Saturday, March 21, 2020

Carbohydrates Essays (785 words) - Nutrition, Oxidizing Agents

Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are present in sugars, starch, acids, and in many other nutrients that consist elements of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Having a ratio of 1: 2: 1 or written as CH20. A monosaccharide meaning monomer of sugar is a "simple" carbohydrate. Containing backbone of five carbon atoms that are present in ribose and deoxyribose, components of RNA and DNA. Glucose a six carbon atom that is common cellulose, starch, and glycogen are classified as polysaccharide, Known as a "complex" carbohydrate, with straight or branched chains of many sugar monomers. These categories of carbohydrates are tested in two laboratory experiments. It will allow us (my partner and I) to detect the presence of sugar or starch. The first test, using two different solutions to expose the presence of sugar or starch by color alteration. I hypothesize that both samples of the experiment will result differently in order to pursue the next test. The second test consists of 9 food items, identifying the appearance of sugar or starch. I guess in identifying 75% out of the 9 items right. Conducting both experiments will test my hypotheses either right or wrong. The first experiment on simple and complex carbohydrates, several tools and liquids were obtained: two test tubes, spot plate, test tube holder, benedicts reagent, lugol's iodine, 10% karo syrup solution, 1% starch solution. In a test tube (holding it with a test tube holder,) my partner fills 1 cm from the bottom of 10% karo syrup solution. With the benedicts reagent I gently add four drops, then quickly placed the tube in 98 degrees of boiling water, at 3:17p.m. While waiting for 3 minutes, we noticed that before placing the tube in the boiling water, the benedict reagent in the 10% karo syrup was blue. After heating, we observed at 3:20 p.m. that the benedict solution activated and turned yellow. Which meant that sugar (simple carbohydrate) was present in the karo syrup. A different procedure was conducted to test starch. Using a spot plate, 1% of starch (about 4 drops) was placed into the well spot. Then two drops of lugols iodine was added. It generated a dark purple color with immediate contact with the iodine. The results for this experiment meant that lugols iodine would test purple, positive for complex carbohydrate and yellow for simple carbohydrates. Both samples of the experiment resulted differently agreeing with my hypotheses. With the color alteration of benedict reagent and lugols iodine, my partner and I was ready to test sugar and starch on the 9 food items. Know will test the 9 items, to state weather starch or sugar is present. I made a prediction that 75% of the items would be identified correctly. The experiment consist of: apple juice, potato juice, salt water, baking powder solution, baking soda solution, ozorka flavored water, powdered sugar solution, clearly Canadian flavored water, vinegar, benedicts reagent, lugols iodine, wax pencil, and 18 test tubes. My partner numbered the test tubes, having two sets from 1 through 9. He filled one set while I filled the other, both with food solution about, 1 cm from the bottom of the test tubes. After filling the tubes, we placed 5 drops of benedicts reagent on one set, then placing them in boiling water at about 98 degrees for five minutes (3:40 p.m.). Within the five minutes, I placed three drops of lugols iodine on the second set (3:42 p.m.). We shook the tubes, then resting them for 3 minutes. At 3:45 p.m., my partner took out the benedict set, and we started to record our result as we also recorded the lugols iodine. We both had amazing outputs; I resulted on having 6 items accurately correct out of the 9. Baking soda solution and vinegar failed both the benedict and lugols iodine fluids, appearing negative results for sugar and starch. I predicted that Salt water would show starch therefore it appeared negative. Vinegar has an acidic elements, that are naturally fermented by which bacterium (prokaryotic) go through, an anaerobic cycle. Baking soda is a sodium bicarbonate, it is naturally occurring in the form of an ore called torna. It releases more OH , which it has a pH above 7. Salt is a sodium chloride, also with a pH number greater than 7. For these reasons, my estimation was not accurate. Some of the items were organic fluids, processed powders, and flavored water, which contain either starches or/and sugars. The categories of carbohydrates were tested in two laboratory experiments. It allowed my partner and I to detect the presence of sugar

Thursday, March 5, 2020

An Ultimate Guide to Writing a Cause and Effect Essay Outline

An Ultimate Guide to Writing a Cause and Effect Essay Outline Writing an outline for your cause and effect essay will help you understand better what you are going to write about. Read the article to learn more. Cause and effect essays are popular ways of helping students understand the relationship between various events. They’re extremely popular in history classes, although students are certainly going to encounter them in English and writing classes as well. English and writing classes are often geared towards helping students be better at critical thinking in general, and cause and effect essays can serve as excellent critical thinking exercises in general. HOW TO WRITE A  CAUSE  AND EFFECT ESSAY When writing a cause and effect essay which generally requires the writer to illustrate a scenario in which one or more actions or events ultimately cause or caused certain effects to occur, the student should create and follow an outline. To illustrate an essay of this sort, below is an outline for a cause and effect essay for a fairly simple topic that pertains to a general writing composition course – Success: Causes of Success:  Diligence; talent or intelligence; high level of education; networking and making good, intelligent choices in life. Effects of Success:  Wealth and a potential increase in one’s quality of life; happiness and fulfillment. The writer can focus on just one cause and one effect, or a combination of the two. The writer can focus on just one cause and one effect, or a combination of the two. Every cause and effect essay should consist of no less than five paragraphs: Introduction paragraph At least three body paragraphs Conclusion paragraph TOP 50 CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY TOPICS Outline: Cause and Effect Essay on the Topic Success INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH The first paragraph of the essay introducing the subject and informing the reader what the paper is essentially about (5-7 sentences): Topic Sentence – the purpose of the topic sentence is to simply introduce the topic or subject being examined. Thesis Statement – the main idea or purpose of the essay. Your first paragraph may sound like this: Although it is a rather ambiguous term, â€Å"Success† has specific causes and effects. For one, it is caused by one’s persistent diligence on a project or occupation, etc. In turn, success has certain effects, or consequences, as well: one is financial wealth. 3 BODY PARAGRAPHS Illustration of causes and effects. In this section of the essay, the student will show how diligence causes success and illustrate the effects of success on the individual – ultimately explaining at length their Thesis Statement from the first paragraph. To better convey the argument, the student may begin with explaining the topic being examined – perhaps including a definition, a source providing additional perspectives, etc. In this case: What is the success? What does it look like? How is it identified? What does it mean? What are its social, emotion and spiritual implications? Next, once the reader understands the context in which the term is being examined, the student should transition to a paragraph showing how diligence causes success. Perhaps a famous example (like a self-made millionaire) would suffice, or even some other scenario. But the writer should explain how a person could work hard to achieve personal success. This part is for demonstrating and explaining the effects of success – like it leads to financial wealth, or it leads to a better quality of life because a person is fulfilled in their accomplishment and is happy. CONCLUSION PARAGRAPH In this section, the student not only summarizes the essay – its topic’s causes and effects – but can also help the reader better understand the context of a term, an event in history, etc., by providing a few other examples of the term’s causes and effects. If you are looking for cause and effect essay examples here is a great one CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY EXAMPLE: GREAT DEPRESSION Need a cause and effect essay? Place an order  and our writers will help you write a well-structured essay on any topic.