Monday, September 30, 2019

Autism – General Overview of Autism

General Overview of Autism What is Autism? Autism is defined as a disorder of early development that causes severe problems in thinking, communicating with others, and feeling a part of the outside world (Autism 2009). A person diagnosed with autism has a brain abnormality that affects normal brain function (Nordquist 2009). Most diagnoses of autism are usually never the same, even though, the symptoms are generally similar. Autism must not be confused with childhood schizophrenia or mental retardation, though the actions of children with these circumstances are sometimes related to that of autistic children (Autism 2009).Autism prevents children from developing normal social relationships, even with their parents (Autism 2009). Infants and Autism Autism is generally not diagnosed until two or three years old, but there is an extremely controversial argument on whether or not it could be diagnosed in infants. According to Canadian researchers, they could already see signs and symptom s of autism in infants at approximately six months old (Boyles 2005). The researchers believe that the infant is already predisposed with abnormal brain development inside their mother’s womb.The infants that Canadian researchers experimented were only limited to families that already had an older child born with autism (Boyles 2005). According to research conducted in an article of Developmental Psychology, it is not possible to diagnose and infant with autism (Charman et al. ,1997). The researchers conducted a study on thirty eight boys, separated into three different groups: Autism Risk Group, Developmental Delay Group, and Normal Group. The studies were based upon four different criteria: Empathy, Pretend Play, Joint Attention, and Imitation (Charman et al. 1997). Based on their results, it was not evident t to say whether or not a child could be diagnosed with Autism. This based upon the findings that children in the autism group and children in the developmental delay g roup were indistinguishable and the scorings were far too similar (Charman et al. , 1997) In another study conducted by Dalery et al. , they compared young children and infants who were clinically diagnosed with autism or developmental delay (DD).The researchers were trying to differentiate whether the existence of symptoms of autism making it possible to be a different developmental disorder and whether or not the symptoms increase with age (Dalery et al. 2006). In the results from children under 26 months, the findings were insignificant and eerily similar to the experiment conducted by Chairman et al. They were unable to determine if the clear signs of developmental delay or autism were definite (Dalery et al. 2006). Symptoms of Autism Children diagnosed with Autism act differently from one another and no two autistic children have the same symptoms or act the same (CDC 2007).Children with Autism have severe impairments with social, emotional, and communication skills. Some have difficulty accomplishing everyday tasks and have to maintain a consistent day to day routine (CDC 2007). A symptom of autism that affects many autistic children is they have an intricate time holding a conversation. Thus, they tend to have a hard time making friends because of this impairment (CDC 2007). Another symptom of autism is repetitive behavior. This causes a stimulating effect on the child (CDC 2007). For example, a child may consistently rock back and forth, or flip the pages of a book over and over again.Autistic children have a difficult time managing in an everyday life. Once a child is diagnosed with autism, (usually between the ages of 2-4), it stays with them for the remainder of their lives (CDC 2007). With the various symptoms of autism, repetitive behavior seems to be the most consistent symptom that is distinguishable in almost all autistic patients (Gray et al. 1995). To determine whether or not this is true, research was conducted in Australia. The researchers wanted to determine if repetitive behavior was a distinguishable sign of autism in children less than 51 months.Since there are many different types of repetitive behavior, the different types were classified into two categories: higher and lower levels of repetitive behavior (Gray et al. 1995). According to Gray et al. , higher level repetitive behavior is highly consistent with autistic children under the age of 51 months. Low level repetitive behavior was not a direct diagnosis with autism. A significant number of children with other developmental delay disorders often demonstrated aspects of lower level repetitive behavior (Gray et al. 1995). Autism and Public SchoolingWhen a parents makes the decision to enroll their autistic child into public school, it is often a difficult decision. Sometimes the decision is made because the parent does not have the means to send their child to a school specialized for autistic children. Other times it is because many autistic designed school s only accept unique or extreme cases and their child do not meet the requirements (Rudy 2009). Even though a public school is required to give adequate education to a child with a learning disability, how does the parent know what is adequate to the teacher (Rudy 2009)?A positive aspect of public schools is that children with autism can interact with normal developing peers. Researchers argue that this type of interaction may â€Å"provide opportunities for building relationships and developing social and communicative behaviors, in response both to the demands made by mainstream peers and the modeling their behavior provides (Whitaker 2004). † In a study conducted by Whitaker, the mainstream peers developed a routine with the autistic children. The mainstream peers seemed to understand and learn the routines of the autistic peer.Whether or not the autistic child received any awareness or pleasure from this type of interaction was harder to detect, even though they appeared to be enjoying themselves (Whitaker 2004). Parents of Children with Autism It is devastating for a parent to learn that their child has a severe health problem or developmental disability (Parenting a Child with Autism 2007). The first question that arises is, â€Å"How can we cure it? †, but autism is not â€Å"curable†. In the beginning, parents often find some kind of support to help them cope with the discovery or having an autistic child.They also need to educate themselves as much as possible and decide what is best for the child (Parenting a Child with Autism 2007). D. E. Gray conducts a study to see how parents of autistic children cope with their child’s illness over time. Between 1988 and 1990, he begins his study and the sample included 28 parents of autistic children. In the beginning, parents used 51 different methods to cope with the discovery of their child’s illness. D. E. Gray followed-up with these parents 8-12 years later and the method s parents used decreased dramatically to 27.Parents learned to cope with their child’s autism throughout time. Maybe this was due to the fact that the child had become less disruptive and was more orderly in their habits (D. E. Gray 2006). It also may have been due to the fact that their children were enrolled in special schools (only one was enrolled in public schools). In the beginning, parents still had to adapt to the changes in their environment and with their child. As their emotional distress decreased, so did their need for emotional support (D. E. Gray 2006). ConclusionWhile the causes of autism remain a great mystery, one fact is certain: Autism affects every area of learning throughout the child‘s life. Until research on autism provides more information about how autism affects the human brain, children and their parents who are affected will be unable to understand and fully deal with this disability. It is only with more information that we will learn the b est approach to teach autistic children and tackle this disability head on.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Life of Dogs Versus Life of Cats Essay

Dogs and cats, they are completely different species because they have different attitudes, needs, and habit. However as pets, they have some characteristics in common and go through the same issues of grooming, caring and feeding. To start with the similarities between dogs and cats, there are some common problems that may occur if these animals are kept as pets. Both cats and dogs have fur; therefore require regular combing and washing, if you don’t want to deal with fleas in your house. Both cats and dogs shed, so there occur a definite problem with cleaning out their hackles. Both of them were domesticated hundreds of years ago, so they got used to living in captivity. The important issue for the breeder is that both cats and dogs nurse their young without significant help from the human. Both cats and dogs can be trained. And last, but not the least – they bring love and affection to humans and love to sleep with their owners and are believed to ease problems with health. Cats similar to dogs get bored, and therefore they need toys to keep them occupied. If you give them all the possible attention, they will be great animals. Then if we talk about the differences between them, dogs used to live in a pack in the wild, thus, they require being with the pack in captivity, therefore they consider you and your family to be their family. In the wild the dogs hunt in a company of their kind while on the other hand, cats usually hunt by their own selves, and do not need any company. Certainly they can live together, although they do not require being with one another or with anyone else. Dogs are usually extremely playful and want to have a job to do. Dogs are very active animals that can help people to do many kinds of things like exercise, play a game, and so on. Dogs love to be petted, and can sit on your lap for hours whereas cats do not want to sit with you and some of them dislike being held. Dogs are active during the day and sleep at nights while cats are active at night, and can sleep all day long. Dogs are extremely communicative and use their body language and bark to express their feelings whereas cats can meow, but they are definitely not  as noisy as dogs, and much less expressive with their body language. Dogs are strong animals, so they participate in games, but cats just let it happen around it. In addition to this, dogs are social animals that need communication, while cats are independent, and do not need it. Cats have retractable claws, unlike dogs. Cats seem to be very well-balanced and a lot more flexible as compare to the dogs. Most would say that cats have a higher intelligence than dogs do however; dogs are somewhat smarter than cats in the area of verbal command. For example, you can call your dog by name and usually it will come to you, unlike a cat. There are various similarities and differences that dogs and cats hold to each other. This compare and contrast between the two animals can be supposed in different ways. Some may think more highly of cats due to their intelligence, while others may choose a dog because of their companionship.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

American Nursing Idol Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

American Nursing Idol - Research Paper Example The paper will include description and discussion of different aspects of this contest that will allow a comprehensive understanding of nursing theorists and theories in an innovative manner. JUDGES I do not know you or your group members so you will have to fill out this section. THEORISTS IN FINALS Dorothy Johnson First finalist of the American Nursing Idol contest is Dorothy Johnson, a famous nursing theorist who has played a significant role in defining the field of nursing and especially, the role of nurses. In particular, Dorothy has put enormous efforts in indicating the significance of care of nurses on patients with her model of nursing care in the year 1968. She defined nursing as â€Å"the efficient and effective behavioral functioning in the patient to prevent illness" (Basavanthappa, 2007). In addition, she stated that nursing was â€Å"concerned with man as an integrated whole and this is the specific knowledge of order we require† (Basavanthappa, 2007). ... Dorothy (Basavanthappa, 2007) has indicated that a nurse’s behavior should be in accordance with requirements of a society, and secondly, a nurse should be capable of bringing an alteration in the behavior of patients that may subsequently result in support to the biological components. Thirdly, a nurse’s goal is to ensure benefits to the patients during the period of sickness with the application of knowledge and expertise of physicians (Basavanthappa, 2007). Lastly, behavior of nurse should not in any way cause unessential shock or suffering to the patient during the same period. Virginia Henderson Virginia Henderson is second finalist of the American Nursing Idol who has given huge competition to her opponents with her concept of nursing. In particular, Henderson’s work is inductive, and a derivation of her education and experience (Timby, 2008). One of the significant characteristics of her concept is emphasis on independence of patients while they are in the healthcare settings, as she indicated that such independence enable patients to recover soon and adjust to normal settings after the process of hospitalization. According to her, nursing is â€Å"assisting individuals to gain independence in relation to the performance of activities contributing to health or its recovery† (Basavanthappa, 2007). In addition, her concept is a categorization of fourteen constituents that she believed essential for the fulfillment of human needs. Besides fourteen components, Henderson identified the role of nurses in three aspects: â€Å"substitutive (doing for the person), supplementary (helping the person), and complementary (working with the person)† (Klainberg & Dirschel, 2009). Moreover, it is an observation that before Henderson, there was no distinction

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Golden Proportion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Golden Proportion - Essay Example Most commonly, golden triangles and golden rectangles are used. A shape qualifies as â€Å"golden† when the ratio of longest side to shortest side equals 1.61803399†¦ Regular pentagons and pentagrams are also closely associated with the Golden Ratio. When a regular pentagon is constructed and the interior angles are connected with straight lines, the result is a series of triangles, each one of them golden, that form the image of a pentagram. This symbol, a pentagram transcribed by a regular pentagon became significant to the Pythagoreans. This group of people, led by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras played an important role in the early history of the Golden Ratio. Throughout history, the Golden Ratio has been known by many different names. It has been called the golden section, golden mean, symbolized by the Greek letter phi (ÃŽ ¦), the divine proportion, and the mean of Phidias. Some of these names solidly link the origins of the Golden Ratio with the ancient Greeks. In ancient Greece, many famous mathematicians and artists are associated with the use and development of our current understanding of the Golden Ratio. These groundbreaking individuals were interested in the Golden Ratio for different reasons. Some were intrigued simply by the unique mathematical properties of this peculiar ratio, while others sought to utilize the aesthetic strengths of the ratio when developing their art and architecture. A notable mathematician and mystic that had great influence on the discovery and utilization of the Golden Ratio was Pythagoras. The personal history of Pythagoras is colorful and full of legends. None of his actual writings have survived, so it is impossible to tell which mathematical concepts he personally discovered. Pythagoras is most famous for the discovery of the Pythagorean Theorem. Pythagoras (or one of his followers) discovered that the square of the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Career or job search Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Career or job search - Research Paper Example I searched for and used three websites that have different emphases in their writings. I could use what I have learned through this research in a job search by being familiar with alternative work arrangements and knowing if certain organizations offer them, or being capable of requesting it if it can be applied to my target job position. First, it is important to be familiar with alternative work arrangements because it means that I know the pros and cons enough to justify it to my employers. Second, this knowledge will help me find organizations that support flexible work arrangements. Third, this knowledge will also help me know how to request for it and to use it properly without affecting my performance. This website is useful in understanding an example of a policy regarding alternative work arrangements and it is important in giving information about definitions and responsibilities, key considerations, performance evaluations, and request process. The content comes from the Human Resources department that emphasizes that alternative work arrangements are seen as a â€Å"privilege,† not an employee right, because â€Å"[n]ot all employees and jobs are suited for these types of arrangements† (Human Resources at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2013). This is a crucial point because there is no employment law that states that all workers have rights to demand flexible work time. Moreover, the website offers key considerations and performance evaluations. These variables stress the dimensions of work that allow it to be done through flexible arrangements and that employees still have to go through performance evaluation. Finally, the request process is added, which enlightens employees about guidelines and procedures. The website provides useful information on actual alternative work arrangements policy and processes. The website is

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Learning Is Business at Nokia Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Learning Is Business at Nokia - Case Study Example The 50,000 employee workforce must align their vision to ensure the company succeeds. Nokia Corporation has a great philosophical approach that encourages continuous learning. One method that the company is utilizing which can effectively improve the capabilities and skills of the staff at an accelerate pace is e-learning initiatives. The problem with e-learning initiatives is that they don’t provide the human touch needed at times for the learning experience to feel real. The company should extend its current utilization of project teams to formulate strategic hundreds or even thousands of strategic team units. Every employee should be part of a strategic team unit. Teams should meet for at least one hour a week to discuss company business. A team leader should provide a one to two page summary of the brainstorming performed. The data would then be uploaded into a company intranet to be evaluated by the managerial staff. A systematic problem the company faces is finding an efficient manner to promote the company’s idealistic approach of knowledge sharing. The first step towards creating an environment that fosters this type of learning is for the lines of communication to be completely open between the floor workers and the supervisors. If the employees feel comfortable they will speak out their minds. The human resource staff must interview every single employee in order to learn the best path to achieve a proper professional development path for each employee. Due to the fact that the company has over 50,000 this task might be difficult to achieve. An alternative solution is for the HR staff to prepare collective seminars to reach out employees 100 of them at a time and provide them with an orientation on how to better themselves professionally. Even though Nokia has a clear strategic plan to provide support for learning this does not imply that the company will reap the benefits if does not differentiate between support for

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Manifest Destiny Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Manifest Destiny - Essay Example happy millions.†1 In 1845, O’Sullivan wrote yet another article entitled â€Å"Annexation† where he expounded the doctrine and used it to justify the annexation of Texas to the union and called it â€Å"the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence.†2 Since then the ‘imagined’ divine right has been used to justify American expansionism to the west by American politicians. Despite the fact that O’Sullivan first coined the term Manifest Destiny, expansionism however was not his original idea but has already been in practice since the dawn of the country’s history. English settlers first came to the New World, specifically along the eastern seaboard of the North American continent not as a divine right as O’Sullivan would have it but for more practical reasons. England was then at that time experiencing economic difficulties and settlers came to the New World for better opportunities, while others to evade political and religious persecution. The New World likewise became an imprisonment camp outside of England. 3 The first attempt of the English to establish a colony in the New World turned out to be a disaster. In 1585, Sir Walter Raleigh brought a company of soldiers and mercenaries to the outer banks of North Carolina to establish the first English colony in the New World. 4 In 1607, one hundred colonists established the first permanent settlement in the Chesapeake Bay and survived with the help of the Algonquians under the leadership of Powhatan, the father of Pocahontas. John Rolfe, an English settler who married Pocahontas, developed the tobacco Virginia became famous of – a hybrid of North American and Indian tobacco – and made the colony a success. However, the English colonists wanted more land from the natives, pushing the latter farther until the Algonquians revolted and launched an attack against the surprised colonists. The war dragged on for ten years but because of the success

Monday, September 23, 2019

Jurisprudence Assignment Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Jurisprudence Assignment Question - Essay Example Antigone decided to defy the proclamation that her brother not be buried properly, and gave him a burial against the state's wishes. After this she was imprisoned and hanged herself in her prison (Sophocles). Natural Law According to Stoner (1992),1 the story of Antigone is one in which the individual is entitled to break the law. He cites Thomas Hobbes as distinguishing between right and law (ius and lex) – right being the basis for liberty and law being the basis for obligation. ... be seen as unjust if it does not accord with God’s laws.   6 Hobbes, according to Stoner (1992) also states that there are limits to the law, or, rather, that there are limits as to what an individual is expected to obey. Hobbes believes, essentially, that man has liberty to decide for himself what is right for himself as an individual – â€Å"the Liberty each man hath, to use his own power, as he will himselfe, for the perservation of his own Nature; that is to say own Life; and consequently, or doing anything, which in his own Judgement, and Reason, hee shall conceive to be the aptest means thereunto.†7 Finnis (2001) would concur in this analysis, stating that governmental laws are limited, in that they must recognize certain universal, God-given rights – such as the right not be murdered, raped, enslaved or lie-to. 8 Further, Stoner (1992) states that Hobbes’ philosophical underpinnings of the law is moral, as opposed to civil or political, as it is directed at the individual, and what is right for every individual, as opposed to the collective. The preservation of the individual is at the heart of the Hobbes’ philosophy. Hobbes’ philosophy, according to Stoner, does not even take the mores and customs of a community into account, because custom is not necessarily anchored to morality or liberty.9   In one thinks about this, it makes sense   - just as slavery was a custom, it clearly was in contravention to natural law or liberty, therefore, the custom of slavery is one that is built upon uncertain ground, like sand.   That said, according to Cornish & Clark (1989), Hobbes recognized that man’s nature was prone to violent destruction, so society must keep a check on the individualistic natures.10   Because natural law is inevitably based upon some

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Lorenzo The Magnificent Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Lorenzo The Magnificent - Research Paper Example I believe this to be a possibility because of the many works of art, sculpture and architecture that are being made during this period. Much of this beauty only exists because it was commissioned by the wealthy ruling families of Italy. People such as myself, Lorenzo Medici, commission artwork not only to promote culture and the arts in my city, but also to show off the material wealth my family commands. The types of works I commission demonstrate the recent advancements that have taken place in architecture and art as well as convey a sense of the impression I wish to make upon my neighbors and associates. Having been raised in a family already strongly committed to the arts, I hope to one day be remembered as one of art’s finest patrons but remain somewhat fearful that it is other areas of my life history will focus upon. The physical world I knew while growing up went a long way toward fostering my love of the arts, but it also helped shape my personality in other ways. In our Florentine society, it is necessary for princes who can afford it to build huge residential palaces, villas, fortresses, governmental buildings, churches and convents that we can then fill with statuary, paintings, sculptures, brilliantly performed original pieces of music and other fine works of art. This is how we demonstrate our status in our very class-conscious society. â€Å"Art historians bury the why – and hence the sociology – by their excessive emphasis on questions of form and style. Most of the great building projects of the Italian Renaissance †¦ had behind them the urge to exhibit now: to exhibit an identity, to show the power or piety of the man and his family dynasty, and to carve out a space in the city that would belong to that name, that individual and dynasty, for all times† (Marti nes, 1979: 236). These sentiments applied equally to other commissioned works of art as well. At three stories tall, the family’s Medici Palace in

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Chapter 5&6 Kite Runner Essay Example for Free

Chapter 56 Kite Runner Essay 1. Describe what happened to Amir and Hassan on their way to go and play by the tree. Assef and his two friends, Wali and Kamal first threw a rock and hit Hassan in the back of the head. Amir was instantly scared since Assef and his two friends are the neighborhood bullies. Assef calls the boys fags and starts calling Hassan racial slurs and flat-nose. Amir is excluded from most of the abuse because Baba is his father. Hassan moves slightly behind Amir as if he was expecting Amir to protect him in some way, but Amir doesn’t. Assef tells the boys how the king is now gone and the president is now Daoud Khan, a friend of his father. He plans on telling the president â€Å"man to man† how he believes Hitler was a great leader, a man with a vision, and how if he had succeeded the world would be a better place. Assef tells the boys how people like Amir and Baba are a disgrace to Afghanistan by taking in people like Hassan and his father. He asks Amir how he could be friends with someone like Hassan. Amir doesn’t defend Hassan. Hassan ends up taking out his slingshot and aiming a rock at Assef’s face even though he is scared. He asks Assef to please leave them alone even referring to him as Agha, the way a servant refers to his betters. Assef attempts to further intimidate Hassan but it doesn’t work. Hassan asks again for him to please leave them alone with the same response from Assef. Hassan then threatens Assef that if he does not leave them alone his nick name could change from â€Å"the ear eater† to â€Å"one –eyed Assef†. It works and the boys are left alone after Assef lets the boys know that he will not forget what has happened and will make them face him face to face someday. 2. Describe Assef’s character and his beliefs. Assef is the son of one of Baba’s friends. He is from an affluent family. His mother is German and his father Afghan. Assef towered over the neighborhood kids and was blonde haired and blue eyed. He had earned a reputation for being savage. Assef was famous for using his stainless-steel brass knuckles. He walked the streets of the neighborhood with his two sidekicks as if he  owned them. All three were eager to find a victim for their savagery. He was called â€Å"the ear eater† behind his back; no one was brave enough to call him that to his face. A nickname he earned due to a fight over a kite. Assef is a sociopath. He talks about Hitler as a man of vision and if he had not been stopped the world would have been a better place. He believes that Afghanistan belongs to the Pashtuns and that the Hazaras are polluting his land, that they are dirtying their pure blood. He want’s Afghanistan to be cleansed of the Hazaras in the way Hitler attempted race purificatio n. 3. Explain what happened between Amir and Hassan one day while they were waiting to capture their falling kite. Both Amir and Hassan were running down their kite. Amir was following Hassan through the narrow streets. Hassan a natural athlete was a bit faster than Amir. Amir thinks they are losing the kite because they are going in the opposite direction of the kite but Hassan tells him to trust him and continues running. When Amir catches up with Hassan he is sitting under a tree eating a handful of dried berries and asks him to have a seat. Amir still is questioning what Amir is doing just sitting there in the opposite direction that the kite went. Hassan calmly tells him that the kite is coming, he just knows. When Amir continues to question Hassan he replies, â€Å"Would I ever lie to you?† Amir knows that Hassan wouldn’t but instead of appreciating that he decides to toy with him instead and asks him if he would. Hassan replies, â€Å"I’d sooner eat dirt.† Amir admits that he knows it’s cruel, I think he wants to prove to himself that his father was wrong when he says that Amir doesn’t have a mean streak. Amir questions Hassan by asking him again if he would eat dirt if he told him to. Hassan tells him yes if he asked he would eat dirt as he looked Amir right in the eye. It seems they are testing each other’s loyalty and in my opinion Hassan wins. He is always loyal to Amir regardless of the situation. 4. Describe the relationship between Amir and Hassan. Amir and Hassan are friends even though Amir will not admit it to himself or others. They have been raised together since birth and have a connection to  one another. Hassan loves Amir. He is protective and supportive of him. He encourages him in his interests in stories. Hassan seems content with his life and his place in the world. He has learned from his father to be a kind person. Amir seems to enjoy the attention Hassan pays him and even takes for granted their relationship. Amir seems to be jealous of Hassan and the type of person he is and will knowingly be cruel to him. He doesn’t like to share Baba’s attention with him nor does he like it when Hassan does things unknowingly to remind him of their differences. For example the incident while they were waiting for the kite, knowingly tests Hassan’s loyalty to him. I think Amir can tell Hassan is a better person despite being an uneducated servant who clearly has the approval and love of both Baba and Ali without having to earn it.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Zang Fu Doctrine in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Zang Fu Doctrine in Traditional Chinese Medicine 1.0. Introduction Traditional Chinese medicine brilliantly in a poetic way explains the basic concepts of the correspondence between man and nature, the integrity of human body and mind, and maintenance of a dynamic balance of life activities under the influence of the internal and external environments. Confucianism and Daoism philosophies summarized and synthesized knowledge and lay the foundation for establishing a unique theoretical system for Traditional Chinese medicine. The generative and revelatory perceptions in the traditional Chinese medicine explain that the heart is the master of Zang fu. The heart is free and gives orders to its officials the zang fu organs. The heart in Chinese medicine is the totality of psychological, physiological, intellectual, and spiritual interaction with Zang fu unity. This unity is controlled by the master heart. Heart is considered as Sovereign fire (Jun Hou) and minister fire (Chen Hou), having double aspects yet being one Zang. The word Xin (Heart) is imbedded in the Chinese culture, and language and is present in centre of thought and Chinese medicine. In western terms Heart can be considered as a physically internal organ that pumps blood for circulation in terms of its bodily functions However, in Chinese it is the conception of the mental Heart, which has a long and rich cultural history through which the concept of heart has been formed. In Chinese the Heart is called Xin and referred as the organ of thinking and the seat of thought and emotions. The fundamentals of Chinese Medical Theory gives various functional qualities of the Heart and this epistemology arises from Taoist observation, Confucian reflection. Confucianism and Daoism are the two poles of one and the same axis The traditional Chinese medicine is an indispensable treasure house of the splendid classic culture. They differ, but both considered Heart as the locus of governance. 1.2 Discussion Anatomical Description The Heart is described in the canon of medicine and the classic of Difficulties (1st or 2nd B.C.) as an organ situated in the thorax with its apex contacting the diaphragm and the Lungs, and its beat can be seen or felt under the nipple, serving as the source of the pulse beat. Inside the heart there are seven hollow places. And surrounding the heart is the pericardium. The Heart looks like a lotus in bud, below the lungs and above the liver. (Yi Xue Ru Men or the ABC of Medicine, 1575). This refers to the same organ as in western medicine. (Zhufan, 1985). Heart Physiology and Pathology Bottom of Form Top of Form Bottom of Form The main physiological function of the Heart is to govern blood and to control the mind. . Governing Blood (Xue) Heart beats derive blood to circulate continuously through the vessels to nourish all  Parts of the body. This is achieved by Heart blood in the vessels and the dynamic  force that drives the blood called Heart Qi. Controlling the mind (Shen) The function of the heart to control the mind is known as the heart storing spirit. Broadly refers to dominator of life activities and in narrow sense a collective term for cognition, thinking, consciousness and mental states. The heart governs the mental activities. The Role of Zang Fu Doctrine in TCM: The doctrine Zang Fu is the theory of organ manfestations.This theory originated as early as 2000 years ago and its description appeared in the classic book The Canon of Medicine. Zang-fu is a collective name for all internal organs. There are five zang organs-the Heart, Lungs, Spleen, Liver and Kidneys, and six Fu organs-the Gallbladder, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Bladder, and Triple energizer. Also there are extraordinary organs-the brain, marrow, bones, vessels, and uterus (also the Gallbladder).Zang organs transform, produce and store and do not discharge whereas Fu organs are hollow and transport, digest food and discharge. The extraordinary organs store essential substance except the gallbladder stores bile and The Heart is a vital zang organ and governs the life activities of the whole body. It is called an organ of monarch in Huangdi Neijing. (Wu changguo,zhu zhongbao,2002) The Table.1 shows the relationship between heart and body, the sensory organs and the orifices: Table 1. Relationship between Heart and Zang-Organ Network and sensory orifices The heart and body inter-relationships: 1. The Heart governs and controls the blood vessels The Heart governs the blood in two ways: Transforming Food-Qi into blood. Circulation of blood similar to western medicine. Although in Chinese medicine the lungs, spleen and liver play a role in the circulation of blood. The vascular system is directly connected with Heart, and the blood circulating within the vessels is driven by Heart Qi. 2. The Heart reflects in the complexion The colour and luster of the complexion depends on the circulation of blood. A rosy and lustrous complexion is a sign of healthy Heart. 3. Relations with the Fluids Both sweat and liquid part of blood originate from the fluid assimilated from food and drink. The sweat and blood have the same source. Blood is ruled by Heart and sweat comes from the liquid part of blood, so it is called the fluid of the Heart. The close relationship between blood and sweat exists not only in physiological conditions but also in pathological changes. 4. Housing Mind Spirit (Shen) The Heart houses the mind. TCM sees the Heart as the organ that is responsible for the mind’s activities. Among all mental activities, shen is utmost important. Shen means the comprehensive manifestation of life activities, such as spirit, consciousness and thinking. There is a close relation between the blood and shen.As Blood gives energy for mental activities. Only when the blood circulation normal can shen be in good order. Being the supreme ruler the Heart not only rules all the physical activities of other zang-organs, but also governs all the mental activities related to other zang-organs. The seven emotions and the five modes of the wu shen all are regulated by Heart. Wu shen modes are attributed to zang-organ networks as shown below: Table.2 Attribution of Mental Activities and Emotions to Zang-Organs Shen dominates the movement of blood (yin) and Qi (yang) and this factor is core factor in the Chinese medicine. Shen controls Jing and Qi, which are the founding substances of the body. Although Shen is dependent on pre-natal and post natal Jing Qi for a continuous supply Shen require blood for all activities. Blood distribution takes place through the blood vessels, and the blood vessels house Shen.Huang Neijing (,) Since the mind resides in the Heart and if the heart blood is strong a person will asleep easily and the sleep will be sound. When the mind has no residence it will cause inability to fall asleep leading to a disturbed sleep. Therefore all dreams are related to the Heart. 5. Heart Paired with Small Intestine Zang organs are paired and provide residence to shen. And the Fu organs provide transportation. Fu organs store and discharge materials. The relationship between Heart and the small intestine Is of similar nature. The small intestine separates pure nutrients and from the turbid waste Then Spleen absorbs, and transports and transfers the clear nutrients to the zang –organs for storage. Water waste is discharged by the Kidneys. And solids discharges by Large intestines. The small intestines is closely related to the Heart physiologically and pathologically through its meridians connected with Heart Meridian. 6. The Heart opens into the tongue The heart masters the tongue (she) (suwen chapter 5) Tongue is seen as a mirror of heart or offshoot of the Heart Heart and tongue are internally connected with each other. The heart controls the colour, form and appearance of the tongue. Especially the tip of tongue. It also controls the sense of taste. The heart influences the tongue, talking and speech. 7. The Protection shield of Heart As an organ Pericardium is closely related to the Heart as the outer membrane covering of the Heart providing a shield. Against exterior pathogenic attacks. The Pericardium has similar functions as the Heart. Pericardium has deep influence on the state of the main especially emotional state. Heart being the supreme zang organ needs maximum protection and Pericardium is its last line of defense before any exterior pathogen penetrates the Heart. Therefore pericardium and Heart have a very close relationship. 1.3 Conclusion The traditional Chinese medicine extensively shares the world view of ancient Chinese philosophy, that the human as an integral part of nature and as replica of the universe, so that they correspond to each other in various ways. Cosmological theories of yin-yang, the five elements, and the Qi explain the formation of the universe. Chinese linguistic evidence shows that the Chinese Xin Heart is culturally conceptualized in the central faculty of cognition, which is the agent of thinking, feeling, understanding, knowing, reasoning and judging, as the seat of both mental and emotional lives of a human being. Chinese Heart is simultaneously mental, spiritual, moral, intellectual, rational, volutional,  Temperamental, and emotional. There are no two hearts but one single zang having two  aspects. 1.4 References. Michael Gershon, author of The Second Brain  a short history of Chinese philosophy of Fung Yu-LAN 1966: 17-19   wu changguo,zhu zhongbao,2002)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Jonathan Swifts A Modest Proposal Essay -- A Modest Proposal

In Jonathan Swift’s essay, â€Å"A Modest Proposal†, Swift proposes that the poor should eat their own starving children during a great a famine in Ireland. What would draw Swift into writing to such lengths? When times get hard in Ireland, Swift states that the children would make great meals. The key factor to Swift’s essay that the reader must see that Swift is not literally ordering the poor to cannibalize. Swift acknowledges the fact of the scarcity of food and empathizes with the struggling and famished souls of Ireland through the strange essay. Being of high society Britain, which at the time mothered Ireland, Swift utilizes his work to satirically place much of the blame on England itself. Through his brilliant stating of the fact that the children cost money as well as aid in the drought of food and necessities the reader can get an idea of the suffering on going in Ireland; this brings the reader to see that instead of keeping the children their parent s should either eat them or sell them on an open market. By wasting the scarce food in Ireland, the people are killing themselves; thus the children can be consumed saving food and at the same time making food. It is interesting to see how well Swift conveys his view towards the poor in this odd manor. Swift sees how the poor are treated by the affluent who may think that the impoverished are the reason for Ireland’s food problems. In fact, the entire essay is nothing more than sarcastic piece that deeply imbeds the blame upon the rich who he feels might have just as much or even more blame on Ireland’s food problems than the poor ever have. Swift intelligently uses his common sense logic in a strange way to convey his feelings about this predicament. Swift goes to great lengths to intelligently show these feelings. The ways at which Swift camouflages his ideas and thoughts throughout this essay brought many readers at the time to think that he actually wanted Ireland to revert to eating their children. His employment of such literary elements of irony, mix cynicism, and pure contextual reaction from the reader help to map the entire essay.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Thoughout the work, Swift persistently relies upon the use of irony. It is quite apparent that no rational human being would bring themselves to eating the flesh of another, which also adds to the irony of the story. Another interesting point of reflection is ... ...rity. It is his lack of expectations towards a good outcome that exalts the tone of Swift’s paper to a higher level. Swift knows that the depression and bleakness of the period will take time in getting better. To the poor it will seem like an eternity; thus, giving Swift a reason to write the way in which he does.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout his writings, Jonathon Swift has used many different voices to explicate his views on the melancholy time period in which he lived. He uses a totally inverse route in writing his works. Swift brings to light many aspects of his culture such as greed, poverty, and ignorance. Other writers of the period would probably not even touch such aspects. â€Å"A Modest Proposal† is a prime example of every interesting degree of Swift’s writing abilities. Ingeniously, the essay is a collection of these abilities. In conclusion to the story, the reader can scrutinize each sentence to find a different meaning or interpretation. Clearly, this essay is and should be treated as a work of fiction and nothing more. Though it is nothing more than a fictional work it should be taken into account that the essay carries a deeper meaning to which every reader can find difference.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Everyday Use :: essays research papers

 ¡Ã‚ §Different points of view on culture and heritage ¡Ã‚ ¨  ¡Ã‚ §Everyday Use ¡Ã‚ ¨ is a literary explanation of what culture is. In  ¡Ã‚ §Everyday Use ¡Ã‚ ¨, the author Alice Walker confronts the question of what are the true values in one ¡Ã‚ ¦s heritage and culture. In the conflict between Dee and her mother, Alice Walker shows that one ¡Ã‚ ¦s culture and heritage are represented by neither the possession of objects or external appearances, but by the lifestyle and attitude. In "Everyday Use ¡Ã‚ ¨, Alice Walker personifies the different sides of culture and heritage in the characters of Dee (Wangero) and her mother (the narrator). Dee can be seen to represent a complex and modern way of life where culture and heritage are to be valued. Her mother represents a practical way of life where they are valued both for it is usefulness as well as personal significance. When Dee first comes to visit the family, she is wearing a long dress, even though the weather is very hot. We get the impression that Dee is more occupied with aesthetic appearances rather than practicality. The dress is colored with enough yellow and orange "to throw back the light of the sun"(1174). Dee is also wearing numerous pieces of jewelry, earrings and bracelets. Even more than Alice Walker ¡Ã‚ ¦s description of Dee is the significance of Dee ¡Ã‚ ¦s "name change" to Wangero that seems to symbolize Dee ¡Ã‚ ¦s attitude about one ¡Ã‚ ¦s culture and heritage. It seems to reflect a sort of glittery artificial pretense put on in order to assume sophistication. Dee disregards the importance of her name, the fact that she was named after her aunt Dicie.And when asked about why she changed her name, Dee can only discharge an answer, "I couldn ¡Ã‚ ¦t bear it any longer, being named after the people who oppress me."(1175) Another important detail is the words directly preceding her answer about what happened to her name  ¡V "She ¡Ã‚ ¦s dead..." (1175) is Dee ¡Ã‚ ¦s answer. By these words, Alice Walker shows that Dee has distanced herself even further from her family, heritage, and culture  ¡V despite her "new" name and the way of talking. Dee is portrayed as aggressive, to the point of total lack of regard for her family. When she first greets her family, she starts snapping pictures of the house and her mother before even greeting them with a kiss or a hug, or even a handshake. Later, when they are in the house, Dee begins just taking various items for herself, assuming they belong to

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

C.Ronaldo and Messi

World best soccer players C. Ronaldo and Messi Have you ever watched a game of C. Ronaldo and Messi? Their performances are so outstanding that most of soccer fans would think 21th century is the era of C. Ronaldo and Messi. However, there are big differences between C. Ronaldo and Messi. Firstly, their physical conditions are quite different. C. Ronaldo looks like a movie star. He is very tall and has a firm body like a horse. His inverted triangle line seduces a lot of girls and every man envies his body shape.Tight muscles cover all of his body so that we can feel his power even when he is just standing. In contrast, Messi looks like a dwarf. When he was eleven, he was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency. So when he stood next to Ronaldo in order to get a prize, he looked humble. And his body is plain and looks like ordinary people. In accordance with the differences in physical condition, their play styles are also different. Ronaldo usually tries to break through defense line with his speed and power coming from his outstanding physical condition.When he is on the dead run, only a few world class defenders can catch up with him. And most of defenders are knocked out by Ronaldo’s wild and strong movement. Furthermore, his shooting is so powerful that he sometimes makes a goal in an incredibly long distance. Messi’s play is very exquisite. Messi developed his own skills to overcome his physical disadvantages. His foot skills are very simple, but no one can stop him because his dribble is so delicate that the ball seems attached to his foot.So whenever defenders tackle him, he easily avoids them and breaks through the defense line like a squirrel. And he prefers accurate shooting to powerful one.. Both C. Ronaldo and Messi are unprecedented soccer players, but they have two distinguishing points, physical condition and play style. In a manner of speaking, it is meaningless to arrange what’s different between them because it is natu ral that every person in the world has different circumstances and different personality.However people have always been interested in comparing rivals like Superman and Batman, Taegwon V and Mazinga Z. People will always regard Ronaldo and Messi as rivals until they retire. And ‘Who is the greatest soccer player in the world? ’ will be the most interesting question among trillions of soccer fans. People might have different thoughts about who the best soccer player is, but they all would think that it is lucky to watch fantastic plays of Ronaldo and Messi.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Good and Service Experience

Model and explain the Servuction Model as a service encounter framework. Relevance for fast food market and what is the role of customer B in the model? The Service encounter is defined as a period of time during which a consumer directly interacts with a service. Service encounters occur where it is necessary for consumer and producer to meet in order for the former to receive the benefits that the latter has the resources to provide. This definition includes all aspects of the service firm with which a consumer may interact, including its personnel and hysical assets.Servuction concentrates on consumers' perceptions of the service encounter. The Servuction model is a simple but powerful model that illustrates factors influencing the service experience of a customer when enjoying a service. It concentrates on consumers' perceptions of the service encounter. The framework, developed by Eigher and Langeard emphasizes experiential aspects of service consumption and is based on the idea of organizations providing consumers with complex bundles of benefits.The elements of the service experience are divided into wo parts- visible and invisible. The visible part consists of the inanimate environment within which the service experience occurs, the service providers or contact personnel who interact with the consumer during the service experience. The visible part of the organization is is supported by the invisible part, comprising the support infrastructure, which enable the visible part of the organization to function. The invisible part refers to the rules, regulations and processes upon which the organization is based.Although they are invisible to customers they have very rofound effect on the consumers service experience. The model is completed by the introduction of other customers, with whom each consumer may interact within the system. This is important because the actions of fellow consumers can contribute greatly to the overall encounter. Everyone and every thing that comes into contact with the consumer is effectively delivering the service. There is often large number of contacts between the service provider and the customers which makes it difficult in identifying the servuction system.Only consumers can define the service encounter hat matters to them and essentially create their own bundle of benefits from the contributory elements of the service offer. Therefore the service encounter is defined by customers , rather than producer-led definitions. Relevance for fast-food market: The servuction model for a fast-food market is used for understanding consumer experiences: consisting of visible service, contact personnel , other customers and home delivery and Wi-fl connection free for customer. The contact personnel of the fast-food market would include a waiter/ branch manager, counter employees and a ecurity guard.The other customers would be customer B. The invisible organization and systems could be a very fast delivery within 5 minutes, a good setup with approximately 10 staff and a good music system in the restaurant. Role of Customer B: Customer B represents all other customers who are part of customer A's experience. Consumption of service are â€Å"shared experience† because it often occurs in the presence of other customers. As in the case with the other visible components of the Servuction model, other customers can impact customer A's experience.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Brotherhood: Natalie Portman and Brothers

Brotherhood is deeper than any words can really explain, for it is a responsibility and a bond between people. Basically, it is a group of people coming together for a common purpose; however, these people share a stronger connection that few can understand. It is almost like a family, for each brother exhibits brother-like qualities, in the respect that they care for you and try to help you out. From my experience with my brother back home, brothers may not always agree with you and they might argue with you sometimes, but by the end of the day, they are still there for you. It is that bond between you that separates you from a lot of other people, and it is up to a brother to uphold his end of the bond, for he has to make sure it is strong. He needs to be responsible and never let his brothers down. For example, in my past (although this may seem kind of sad on my part), my brother has broken my arm, hit me with a bat, thrown a brick at me, and chipped my tooth, but I remained loyal to him. Up to this day, he and I are closer than ever. And of course I was mad at the time, when that all happened, but I knew deep down inside there’s still a matter of love and respect from one another. That is another thing about brotherhood: it cannot be walked away from because once you are a part of a brotherhood, you are brothers for life. Brothers are there for you when you are at your best and worst, standing by your side at all time. Although things may seem horrible at the time, brothers can really make you look past it and make you look at the bright side of things. Overall, brothers make up a brotherhood, and these brothers instill their values in you so you can be taught right and hopefully, become a better person for it.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Helpful Predators in Agriculture Essay

The effective way of managing insect pests is usually through the execution of multiple methods, these differing tactics are assimilated into a single method to keep the pests at an acceptable level. Execution of multiple methods minimizes the possibility of the pests in adapting to any of the single method. An apt definition of integrated pest management, according to Cornell University’s Biological Control, would be, â€Å"An ecologically based pest control strategy that relies heavily on natural mortality factors and seeks out control tactics that disrupt these factors as little as possible† (Weeden, Shelton, and Hoffmann). These agricultural pests, according to Altieri and Nicholls, such as insects, nematodes, and weeds, are responsible for more than 30% damaged crop production worldwide annually. These losses had been consistent since the 1940’s, when farmers started using chemicals in order to control pests (10). These agrichemicals that have been used have its setbacks; they have proved to be costly to farmers, they are harmful to the environment and, despite its popularity, it had not proven to be 100% effective. As mentioned in Organic Gardening magazine, insect-pests continued to be a problem mainly due to the pests’ resistance and their unusual ability to adapt to a single method control strategy (1992). Many farmers are now looking for a solution that is less dependent on agrichemicals and focused more on copying nature’s way of predatory system, among plants and insects. This method, known as ecological pest management, delegates the entire farm as a complete complex system. This new method aims to keep the insect population at a manageable level with the use of many supporting or interdependent strategies, compared to the old method of aiming for the total eradication of every pest using one method for each pest. The method of ecological pest management uses forces that have been present in the natural world, longer even than the invention of agriculture itself. As plants develop their innate defense mechanism against pests, they were helped by factors within the ecosystem, such as: â€Å"1. Insects that prey on crop insects and mites by eating or sucking their juices. 2. Helpful parasites that appropriate pests for food. 3. Organisms that cause diseases to insects, at times being fatal, and keep them from feeding or reproducing; these organisms also prey on weeds. 4. Helpful fungi and bacteria that stays on roots, thereby retarding advances of disease organisms† (Altieri and Nicholls, 11). Biological control is much like a living insecticide. It is the employment of natural enemies with the purpose of managing pests. It usually involves manipulating an insect into attacking a pest insect. According to a report published by Sustainable Agricultural Network, the natural enemy may be a predator, a parasite, or a disease that will attack pests (78). Helpful predators belong primarily in the families of beetle, dragonfly, wasp, and bugs. Using chemical insecticides have been known to have eliminated these predators in farms. It has been studied that pests like Tetranychid mites, for example, have been plentiful in apple plantations where pesticides have wiped out entire predators’ population (Altieri and Nicholls, 80). Almost all predators prey on a vast variety of insect species and on different life stages, thereby making them very useful in managing insect pests. Some of the most efficient predators are spiders, lady beetles, ground beetles, lacewings, minute pirate bugs, big-eyed bugs, and syrphid flies (Altieri and Nicholls, 86). Conclusion Agriculture had been changing its ways, it has been steadily returning to nature for the answers it has long sought for. Insecticides and pesticides are gradually being stored in the shelves, resulting in a healthier soil, crops, and a healthier method of farming. Perhaps it is within the grand design, that when human ingenuity falters, we return to commune with nature. Works Cited Altieri, Miguel and Clara Nicholls. Manage Insects on Your Farm, A Guide to Ecological Strategies. Beltsville, MD, Sustainable Agricultural Network, 2005. Meet the Beneficial Insects, Organic Gardening. 09 February 1992. Retrieved 09 April 2009. Weeden, Catherine, Anthony Shelton and Michael Hoffmann. The Integrated Pest Management Strategy, Biological Control: A Guide to Natural Enemies in North America. Cornell University. Retrieved 09 April 2009.

Relationship with His Father Essay

My Father Thought It: Armitage’s Childhood and Relationship with His Father BY nour300 The poet narrates a true experience with his own father from when he was a teenager. In the final stanza the poet looks back, aged twenty nine’. The poet marks the time shift by shifting from past into present tense. This poem is a nostalgic look back at a defining moment from Armitage’s childhood, his relationship with his father and how he feels about it now. From the first words of the title, ‘My father’ shows that Armitage’s memory of his childhood, like the poem is dominated, looked over, by his father. The effect is intensified by the fact that the words ‘my father’ are repeated in the first line. As a teenager, the poet’s father is an authority figure. Armitage calls him father’ which is formal and seems distant, commanding respect. However, his father uses colloquial language ‘lost your head’ ‘easily led’. These proverbial phrases are judgemental and don’t show real communication, which adds to the sense of distance. However, his son can almost read his father’s thoughts, which suggests a kind of closeness: ‘my father thought it bloody queer’. loody queer’ can’t be the way the poet would describe himself, as it seems too harsh and violent. It seems to fit with the colloquial, Judgemental phrases that his father uses. The poet is close enough to his father to be able to ‘become’ him – for these lines in the poem. ‘queer’ is used to condemn something that d oesn’t conform. The whole poem is about rebellion. The first stanza has a regular rhyme scheme with aabbb; however in the second stanza, the rhyme scheme starts to break down and seems irregular. This echoes the breakdown in authority or control as the poet rebels. In the final stanza, a kind of balance or compromise is reached, the first and last lines rhyme together (1 2, 15), but the middle two are free, or unrhymed (13,14). The words ‘slept’ and Wept’ are rhymed, with Wept’ in a prominent position at the end of the stanza, which is also emphasised by the alliteration with wounds. Normally women weep, which contrasts with the manly rite of passage involving pain and a wound. I t’s as it the body is weeping tor the tact he’s injured it, the loss ot childhood and is a strange contrast to the violent, distant relationship.

Friday, September 13, 2019

(writer's choice) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

(writer's choice) - Essay Example On the whole, it had a relatively simple premise. Gilmore Girls ran for seven seasons from 2000 to 2007 and was primarily known for its fast paced dialogue and pop-culture references. The show focuses on two female characters: Lorelai and her teenage daughter Rory. Lorelai and Rory live in a small town in Connecticut called Stars Hollow and this town is filled with lovable, wacky characters. Lorelai gave birth to Rory as a teenage and it is because of this that they have a very close friendship that differs from Lorelai’s own relationship with her rich parents who she ran away from after having Rory at 16. The difference between these two relationships, particularly between Lorelai and her parents, is often what drives the conflict in an episode. The specific show that I chose to analyze is the fifth episode in the 2nd season entitled â€Å"Nick and Nora/ Sid and Nancy.† Luke, who owns a diner in Stars Hollow and is somewhat of a love interest for Lorelai, brings his troubled nephew, Jess, to live with him. Jess steals from people and is disrespectful which cause Lorelai to give Luke parenting advice. The two characters fight over the situation and eventually make up with Luke realizing that he needs Lorelai’s help occasionally. One important concept in interpersonal communication is biased listening. According to the article entitled â€Å"Types of Listening,† biased listening is defined as â€Å"when the person hears only what they want to hear†¦and misinterprets based on stereotypes and biases†( â€Å"Types of Listening†). In this particular episode of Gilmore Girls, biased listening occurs when Luke and Lorelai have a conversation about Jess when he runs out on a special dinner that Lorelai and her friends cook for him. Lorelai explains how Luke should be going about parenting Jess and Luke decides to only hear the judgment and negativity in what Lorelai says and believes she is unfairly criticizing him. Another important concept in interpersonal

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Article analysis summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Article analysis summary - Essay Example How can health services be efficiently financed in the USA? What are the best practices in health services management in the USA? The research study will apply quantitative techniques. Data is collected through questionnaires, interviews, and secondary sources like health journals. Data recording was done in tables, and voice recorders. Data analysis was conducted through statistical measures, charts and graphs. Presentation of findings was done through presentations and reports. The sampling was conducted through random sampling method. 30 states were selected, and 10 health facilities were selected in each of the states, at random. Representatives of both private and public sector were included; each state had 5 private health facilities and 5 public health facilities. Therefore, the sample size is 300 health facilities spread across the USA. Data analysis leads to several results. 65% of the healthcare financing is got from programs like Medicare, Veterans Health Association, Medicaid and TRICARE. Health insurance by public employees is catered for by the government. Other segments of population have private health insurance providers, and some are uninsured. The main strength of this article is that it analyzes health care provision in both the private sector and the public sector. This ensures easy comparison of health care effectiveness in both sectors. The main weakness of this research article is that the sample size is small. 300 health facilities represent a very small proportion of the population; total number of hospitals in the USA. Healthcare facilities in the USA are mostly owned and managed by the private sector. 62% of the health centers are non-profit. 20% of the centres are owned by the government, public. 18% of the health centers are for profit (Mahar,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Diverfsity in Small Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Diverfsity in Small Business - Research Paper Example One of the main reasons why people start small businesses and their advantages over large business is the fact that their start up requires lower capital than a large business; it can also function on a part time basis than a full time basis. Also small business can cater to niches more than large businesses and without being tied down to any beauracratic hierarchy. Lastly, independence is a factor that appeals to many; the ability to make their own decisions and be flexible in the workplace without looking up to anyone and relying on their decision making. However, small business do lag in some areas; such as the fact that their size makes it difficult for them to obtain loans and other means of capital as well, so there is a chance of bankruptcy or undercapitalization especially on the grounds against large business, small business lose out. Therefore, they need to sharpen their competitive edge in other areas, so that they can remain active and flourish even in competition with la rge businesses as well as small businesses such as them (Fox, 2004). Diversifying is one of the ways in which small business can get an edge over other businesses. Diversity can be taken in the context of workers being from different cultures, religions etc. however, broadly defined as differences between people, be it according to gender, culture, race etc. It brings greater perspective to an organization and fresher ideas to the table, and teaming up and working with different members of the society is beneficial for the organization as they learn to understand and be creative. Diversity is more than a social phenomenon to make an organization have a good feel and a more humane approach to it. It is a crucial aspect of a globalized world, where the world is becoming more and more interconnected every single day with speedier internet and other resources at the disposal of mankind. And since larger organizations can take better benefit of these resources considering their budgets a re usually much larger than those of smaller organizations, smaller organizations can at least become more adept at making themselves as diverse as possible. Consumers are also extremely diverse; and if the company is diverse, they can relate better and consume more consequentially than someone who feels disconnected with a company. Products are now made by a range of people; a product raw material could be bought from a person with a different background, made by someone else, and sold by someone else; and these are just a few basic functions managed by different people, whereas there a million process that go on in making a product. The world of organizations is also becoming more and more consumer oriented than before. Consumers possibly call most of the shots in the making and selling of products; companies cannot force them to buy their products, and they will not make something that doesn’t sell. One of the things that consumers will notice is the reputation of the comp any, what it believes in and projects. And if a company fails that test with consumers; then they have plenty of other companies at their disposal. Which also highlights another fact that consumers are not short of choices; so a company has to work hard and long to keep attracting them in the way that they would like to be wooed, and diversification is a key factor in attracting customers and making your products or services their preferences, over other companies. A big

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Qualitative Analysis, IR, NMR (Organic Chemistry) Lab Report

Qualitative Analysis, IR, NMR (Organic Chemistry) - Lab Report Example A resulting heterogeneous solution is a positive test for the a saturated hydrocarbon. Dissolve with ether then NaOH and Separate using the bottom layer then add HCl until pH ~7 (neutral) (top layer will be the other product). Add ether and separate the top layer (it’s the acid). IR available in attachment The temperature of carboxylic was relatively higher due to its double bond ranging from 143 to 153.8 Celsius displayed in the first and second trials of the solid acid, which depicts presence of carboxylic acid. Nevertheless, third trial temperature which ranges from 93.5 Celsius to 98.8 Celsius depicting the presence of molecule having two C=O groups associated by the corresponding symmetry. The two peaks within the region of the molecule has two C=O groups, which are not associated by the underlying symmetry that are depicted by the neutral product of the acid base extraction The carboxylic functional groups absorbed with the IR region are amidst 1100 to 1700cm-1. Moreover, main peaks within carboxylic groups are understood via appraisal of the values of the compounds as depicted in the table for NMR graph (Ha Harris, pp.289-345). The absorption of the polar groups are removed towards the lower frequencies and are normally widened due to the hydrogen bonding such as hydroxyl and corresponding amino groups (Rris, pp. 567-659). There two types of IR, from the acid and from the neutral similarly with the NMR, there are C13 and H1 from acid (with DMSO) and other product (with CDCl3). IR spectrum with one peak found within the carboxylic region probably one C=O group is present. The C=O region distances 1608.86 cm-1 having the sharpest peaks, which are many cm-1 wide. Thus, the two C=O groups could be present with the similar position by concurrence. The molecule are two C=O groups associated to the symmetry. The two peaks within the region probably the molecule has two

Monday, September 9, 2019

Conflict Theory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Conflict Theory - Assignment Example As far as our roles are concerned, our society, community or group expects certain roles from us (Woznaik, 2009). An individual cannot be identified alone as he has no individuality or character on his own in isolation, but when he is part of a certain system. Whatever a person performs or does, it is according to some social or societal conditions or norms such as rules and regulations, conditions for playing and so on (Callahan, 2010). The idea of self is related to one’s positioning in a society. If a person regards himself delinquent, he has developed a self-concept of delinquency. If the self-concept is positive, the person shows avoidance of delinquent behaviour and if the self-concept is negative, he is more prone to be delinquent. Labelling of a person as delinquent or good also builds a self-concept that is either good or bad (Brownfield & Thompson, 2008). The societies who have lower crime rates promote shamefulness in a positive manner and those having higher crime rates promote shamefulness in a negative manner. There are two concepts, stigmatization and reintegrative shaming. Stigmatization leaves the wrong doer as a disrespectful person who should not be forgiven while reintegrative shaming allows wrong doers to be forgiven and gain respect again. The wrong doer is regarded as a person who has done a wrong deed, but is not overtly bad (Braithwaite, 2000). If labelling of a person is done using reintegrative shaming, the crime will be minimized while the labelling of a person by stigmatizing will make his situation worse and he will appear more delinquent. Overall, a person requires social support for keeping himself away from crime (Braithwaite, 2000). A person becomes a bully or victim when he is stigmatized in his childhood at some time by his parents or some other person in authority (Leyva & Bickel, 2010). Parents who are hostile,

Sunday, September 8, 2019

My ideal hero Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

My ideal hero - Essay Example This also meant that the right people, such as Dumbledore, who was not believed by the general adult population, could be believed without the doubt because as children, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were not subject to the adult pressures that a culture can place upon its citizens to believe certain untruths. When the outlaw aesthetics become the core of their movement, they adhere to the concept that what is right supersedes what is law. Through the advantages of their innocence and age, that they have less to lose than most of the adults in the world, they can adapt to the outlaw fringes in order to accomplish their goals. Harry is able to use his youth to infiltrate the needs of his realm in a way that the adults who have similar goals are unable to accomplish. Harry Potter comes across as the average boy in terrible circumstances, who blossoms when the truth of his life is revealed to him. His adolescence is a mirror of the events in the average life of a teenager, his struggles meta phors for the struggles that most youths find themselves struggling to overcome. He reflects both the constructs of the youthful hero and the outlaw hero, his actions flexible to the situation, his youth affording him the freedom to go against the grain as needed. Harry, unlike many heroes, embraces his role within his community, fervently going after the villain because that villain took his family. His role and his motivation are in harmony, his desire to overcome the evil in this world a priority.... ommon feelings of isolation and alienation that are the initial mundane and common feelings that are attributed to Harry, despite the extremes of his life, create the first level of empathy with readers, but then it is turned so that his survival, his ability to live through his childhood and begin the journey of adolescence, makes him a hero. Seger states that hero stories â€Å"come from our own experiences of overcoming adversity, as well as our desire to do great and special acts† (357). The dynamic is a powerful way in which his life connects to the reader. However, just like the adolescence that everyone experiences, Harry must now choose to live up to the perceptions that have been created around him and fulfill the expectations with which others have framed his identity - or not. This dilemma is at the core of adolescence, the concept of now finding a path on which to wander in order to fulfill the balance between what is expected and what is desired for one’s o wn life (Kroger 3). Harry begins his journey in the same place that most pre-teens begin their journey - adhered to the expectations of the adults in their life. Harry represents two sides of a coin; each side in opposition to the other, thus his heroism has the best chance of connecting to the audience, just as most cinematic heroes tend to represent a duality. Heroes connect to the audience by having diametrical attributes that are in opposition (Ray 343). Harry begins his journey through opposing identities. The next step from that point is in trying to find a way to define one’s self through actions that either support or deny this expectation. The one difference between Harry and most pre-teen age children is that his preconceived identity through the adults in his new world is that he is a hero

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Album review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Album review - Essay Example It is timbre, or tone color, of the musical instruments used in the song and the effect they create. In the pieces, the following musical instruments are played: a full string section, the trumpet, the flute, and the French horn. The timbres of all these instruments work together to create warm, deep color. Such an effect is created mostly due to the wind instruments. The strings characterized by soft, melodious, gentle, and clear timbre in the combination with the winds with rounded, breathy, and somewhat heavy timbre are the instruments that are in charge of the overall tone of the piece. All these instruments, except for the flute, accompany the singer throughout the entire song. The flute, in its turn, is played only in a specific part of the song together with such line as â€Å"The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky† and up to the end of the verse to add liveliness and highlight the lyrics. The choice of musical instruments is one the things that make the song a masterpiece. The second thing that distinguishes What a Wonderful World among other song is rhythm. Very often, this aspect of music is passed over other elements of songs despite the fact that it does have an emotional impact and creates the overall direction for the development of a melody. In the song under consideration, the rhythm is subtle, almost unobtrusive and indistinguishable. There are no complex rhythmic patterns, which can be found in other compositions performed by Armstrong; they distract the listener from the song as a single unit and its meaning. Such element as tempo works with other aspects in the creation of the entire mood of the song under analysis. What a Wonderful World is a relatively slow song, at about fifty beats per minute and is written in 4/4 time. Performed in such tempo, the song sounds hasteless and resembles a lullaby, and this appears to be the perfect choice for this piece taking into consideration its mood. What a

Friday, September 6, 2019

Book Review Essay Example for Free

Book Review Essay The novel is about a wolf called Faolan that survives with a friend of his, Edme. There is another wolf called the Prophet that tries to send out wolves to kill Faolan and Edme. They try to find a shelter to try to hide but end up getting spotted by a wolf. They run away and escape from the wolf. After getting away they go out and find the Prophet. They confront him ask ask him why he wants to kill them and he jumps at them and they finally kill the Prophet. The book is associated with the other five Wolves of the Beyond books Lone Wolf, Shadow Wolf, Watch Wolf, Spirit Wolf, and Star Wolf.  I would give the book a 2 because I like the Wolves of the Beyond books. They explain how the wolves survive and how they hunt their prey. The book shows how they grow up and learn to hunt and communicate with the others. I also like how the author makes it feel like something is going to happen like a fight scene. The book also continues the story of the main character, Faolan and gives the wolf a characteristic for each book the author makes. The novel is about a wolf called Faolan that survives with a friend of his, Edme. There is another wolf called the Prophet that tries to send out wolves to kill Faolan and Edme. They try to find a shelter to try to hide but end up getting spotted by a wolf. They run away and escape from the wolf. After getting away they go out and find the Prophet. They confront him ask ask him why he wants to kill them and he jumps at them and they finally kill the Prophet. The book is associated with the other five Wolves of the Beyond books Lone Wolf, Shadow Wolf, Watch Wolf, Spirit Wolf, and Star Wolf.  I would give the book a 2 because I like the Wolves of the Beyond books. They explain how the wolves survive and how they hunt their prey. The book shows how they grow up and learn to hunt and communicate with the others. I also like how the author makes it feel like something is going to happen like a fight scene. The book also continues the story of the main character, Faolan and gives the wolf a characteristic for each book the author makes.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Importance of Environmental Care in Business

Importance of Environmental Care in Business The partners There are numerous significant choices which were touched base at when the unexpected mishap happened. The events and occasions that took place amid the occurrence ended the life of various people. The partners, for this situation, involve each who was influenced by the activities that happened amid the mishap. This incorporate; workers of Amtrak, the organization itself, its clients who were on the prepare, the railroad line proprietors, the holder of the towboat, the team and the skipper of the watercraft, the administration manufacturer of the scaffold, and the drift watch. The interests of the partners There are different advantages that the partners specified had. One of the interests is that they expected arrangement of security and insurance. Because representatives, their enthusiasm for the association is that they ought to be given generous compensations which coordinate with the administrations which they offer in the gathering. Additionally, employer stability and fulfillment is another intrigue which the specified partners may have towards the association. For the administration, its advantage is to guarantee that the representatives are ensured and that the specialists are shielded from any unsafe demonstrations. Additionally, the legislature has an enthusiasm for ensuring that the workers are not abused. The vast part of the corporate social duty falls under Amtrak since it is the primary partners. In any case, different partners had a role to play in regards to corporate social obligation. There are four angles which relate to the corporate social responsibility of the various partners amid the event of the mishaps. These incorporate; moral, legitimate, monetary and magnanimous. Corporate social duty In the ethical viewpoint, Amtrak has a social duty of guaranteeing that the social group where the occurrence happened is adjusted. After the mischance, it is the responsibility of the association to ensure that all individuals who were influenced unintentionally are paid. Additionally, they ought to make sure that the requirements of different people are met. Additionally, Amtrak ought to work towards upgrading its open connections. It ought to likewise put new decides that will restrain the event of the mischance. The administration additionally has one of the partners has a part to play in regards to the episode. Since it is entrusted with the obligation of securing the representatives, it ought to work towards observing if Amtrak has utilized qualified faculty in the association to guarantee that the clients are given sufficient administrations. In the lawful angles, there are a variety of aspects that ought to be put into thought. Amtrak ought to consider researching the reason for the crash. In that capacity, it ought to remunerate the families whose individuals kicked the bucket in the mischance. It ought to likewise react to the claims that are probably going to develop after the event of the crash. In the episode, it is apparent to illustrate that the reason for the mishap was not strikingly discovered. This is because the tugboat commander and the individual in charge of working the train were not in charge of the crash. Despite the way that the association was not lawfully in charge of the event of the mishap, it ought to assume its part of repaying its representatives. The administration likewise has a legitimate obligation of guaranteeing that the property of the people required in the mischance is not altered. In the financial perspective, Amtrak has a duty of ensuring both its partners and stockholders. Uniquely, the proprietors of the association who are the stockholders are probably going to be influenced more therefore of the mishap. All things considered, they will be changed with respect to back. Hence it is the duty of Amtrak to guarantee that the proprietors, representatives and the travelers are protected. The travelers ought to likewise be adjusted. Since Amtrak shapes a huge part of the financial cosmetics of the U.S, the occurrence is probably going to influence the stock exchange. It is, in this way, primary that the association guarantees that it concocts stringent measures to keep away from the unsettling power of the market and losing of significant financial specialists from the monetary structure. Concerning liberal perspective, it will-will fit for the administration, proprietors of Amtrak, the clients, and all the specified partners to hold hands and think of a philanthropy store that will help in the financing of the people who endured the tragedy. Moreover, an activity they ought to cooperate in helping the encompassing group. Conclusions and proposals Summarily, it is fundamental to bring up that the partners required in the occurrence activities in reacting to the social obligation to the encompassing group. From the perspectives recorded over the partners ought to guarantee that every one of them has a generous impact in alleviating the dangers related with the mischance. Additionally, they ought to ensure that they errand all the conceivable measures that will help in decreasing the risks of mishap event. Consequently, they ought to guarantee that the legal, moral, monetary and generous viewpoints. All things considered the partners will assume their parts in corporate social duty. References Halbert, T. (2015). Law and Ethics in the Business Environment, 8th Edition. [Kaplan]. Retrieved from, Garner, A. Huff, W. (1997). The Wreck of Amtraks Sunset Limited: News Coverage of a Mass Transport Disaster. Disasters, 21(1), 4-19.

Lorenzos Oil Film Synopsis and Analysis

Lorenzos Oil Film Synopsis and Analysis Lorenzos oil touches the hearts of most as you watch the story of a young boy battling adrenoleukodystrophy or ALD. The story is based off a true story as the parents, Augusto and Michaela Odone, take care and search with uncertainty for a cure for their son Lorenzo. The story identifies with those who suffer from an incurable disease which neurologically effects Lorenzos life. The oil, found by Lorenzos dad, brings hope to him and his family. Lorenzos battle is fought with courage and strength and he identifies with so many important subtopics in our class such as: disease and illness, death and dying, and the body. Lorenzos battle will show us how one struggles with disease and illness but strives with his loved ones by his side. Lorenzo begins to show signs of neurological problems when he and his family move back to the United States for his dads military work. Lorenzo begins to show signs such as fits, lapses, and hearing problems. Lorenzos parents set out on a mission to find a cure for the incurable disease he has. The Odones have many encounters with doctors/ professionals. The work done from parent to professional shows the strive in the Odones hopes to find a cure for their son. After being told that there is no cure by some doctors, they begin to travel and meet with many different people, doctors, scientists, researchers, etc., who are willing to do all they can to help find a cure for their son. These professionals give an examples of how well some professionals work with the parents rather than the patients in this case. The Odones can barely watch as their sons health declines and knows it is up to them to set out to find a cure. While researching so many different aids, the Odones come up with one last final shot. His parents, declined by many researchers again, finally discuss a cure with a Chemist involving oils to add to their sons daily diet. The oil helps in repair in some of the damaged parts of the brain but does not aid in repairing the myelin deficiency in the brain. Mr. Odone takes it into his own hands to seek out an appeal of medical research and efforts to treat myelin damage and or deficiencies in the brain of ill patients. Lorenzo deals with his illness very strongly. As he begins to lose neurological functions, life becomes much harder. He is not treated horribly by many doctors; he is more the less treated like a boy with a disease that has no cure. Lorenzo battles his illness with as positive a mind set as possible, as he begins to take the oil, he feels little relief and shows improvement, but the improvement is not enough to save him from this horrible disease. He later is only able to blink yes or no and can barely swallow on his own. Thankfully for Lorenzo he continues to keep his sight which is a beautiful gift he is pleased to still have. In researching the medical response to the movie, the film was criticized to have given the idealistic view of finding a cure, which was not found. Research done regarding Lorenzos disease has shown little to no effect of taking the oil during the illness, but shows results when taken before the illness. The real Lorenzo Odone, lived to be 30 and died of pneumonia in 2008, living two decades longer than predicted by physicians. In the movie, the Odones compare their studies to those done by animal experimentation finding vague results in the process. I feel as if the events of the film played out appropriately. Being hard to accept the news of an incurable illness, Lorenzos parents react more strongly than he does. Lorenzo accepts his disease as anyone must once they are told they have something inoperable. The only thing which could have been done differently in the film was not acting as if they found a cure but more the less acting as if they found an agent that helps one who suffers from ALD. In the movie and in the real life story, I do not feel as if there is any one who deserves the blame. Blame cannot fall on anyone as Lorenzo has a disease with no cure. Really in reality praises deserve to be given to Lorenzos parents for attempting to find a cure for there son. The Doctors deserve praise for there attempts at finding cure as well. The only blame can be on the disease itself. The general public and prospective health care providers can learn very many things from this film. The general public can learn that horrible diseases can happen to anyone. The general public can also learn from this that parents and family members can do so many things to help their child or loved one. Anyone can become involved in helping whether its just by doing little things. For example, my mother suffers from ulcerative colitis and last year I did a triathlon and raised money for Crohns and Colitis research we raised near $2,000 for research. The general public can do so many things to aid in the development of a cure for diseases. Health care providers can learn both positive and negative things from this film. Health care providers can learn never to give up on a family and let them try to do what they can to help a child or a loved one. Health care providers can also see that parents typically do not have the equipment or information needed to find a cure for a loved one although they can put their foot in to help. Health care providers in this instance should see the glass half full rather than half empty. Patients can learn so many positive and negative things from this film as well. Patients can learn that people can have an effect in finding a cure. Patients can also learn not to count on a cure for a disease that is incurable. Patients can learn that some doctors will treat them with respect while others will not. Patients can also learn that researchers do care and they will help as much as they can to aid in a patients health. Lorenzo learns that his health, disease, and illness although incurable can be fought with compassion and strength. Lorenzo who was diagnosed with his illness at the age of 7 technically could not do much for himself at the time of diagnoses. Lorenzo takes his illness day by day. Lorenzo slowly loses neurological functions every day. He struggles with impairments everyday like lapses and tantrums. These lead Lorenzo to question his body and wonder how much more it could handle but Lorenzo never gave up and fought his body until the age of 30, two decades longer than doctors expected. Lorenzo never truly was considered disabled more the less just ill. I would have considered Lorenzos illness a disability. Lorenzo was beginning to lose functions and that in my opinion would classify as a disability. Being disabled to me is when someone is not able to function regularly without assistance whether their disability be visible or invisible. Lorenzo needed help from his parents after his illness became severe thus classifying him as disabled to me. Lorenzo seems to avoid the reality of death and dying. Lorenzo truly avoids death and dying by defying the odds and surviving his illness for two decades longer than expected. I would assume that as a child one cannot grasp the thought of death or dying, but more the less just barely be able to understand that he is sick with an incurable illness. Being 7 years old, death does not seem to be a realistic thing. I think back to when I was 7 and would never be able to comprehend the fact that I am ill and could die whenever from a horribly rare incurable disease. Lorenzo also faces the sad reality that his own body is fighting against him. The body being a wonderful but terrifying place takes over without Lorenzo being able to do anything to stop it. The oil that Lorenzo is given has a certain amount of fatty acid chains which attack the part of the brain that is being affected by ALD. Unfortunately, ALD had already taken its toll on other parts of his brain including the myelin sheath which help protect neurotransmitters in sending messages from cell to cell. The body did not reject nor accept the treatment but rather just let the treatment work on his body. The treatment may have helped his body at an earlier stage but its not as if his family predicted he would get a rare disease like ALD. Lorenzo and his family face a series of unfortunate events upon the development of this horrible disease in their son. ALD is a disease linked to the X chromosome. First this disease effects fatty acid buildups and then damages the myelin sheath within the brain. These lead to lack of hearing, lapses, seizures, and eventually hyperactivity in the brain. ALD is a very rare disease which effects a very small number of people in the United States. The Odones have been faced with a very hard challenge and do as much as they can to stop the disease their son is infected with. The never ending positive intentions of the Odones lead them to finding a treatment for ALD which has helped effect many lives of people with ALD today. The Odones have helped scientists and doctors today give patients with ALD relief and hope. Although ALD is still without a cure, the Odones and Lorenzos actions have helped the medical community achieve a great necessary success which will play an impact on the live s of anyone with ALD.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Charles Darwin Essay -- Essay on Charles Darwin 2014

Charles Darwin began his scientific breakthroughs and upcoming theories when he began an expedition trip to the Galapagos Islands of South America. While studying there, he discovered that each island had its own type of plant and animal species. Although these plants and animals were similar in appearance, they had other characteristics that made them differ from one another and seem to not appear as similar. Darwin questioned why these plants and animals were on these islands and why they are different in ways. Darwin’s observations from the islands made him want to come up with some explanation to why this occurred. He began to do research of each the species that had lived on these islands and observe all of the characteristics that had. He noticed that the islands h...

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Genetic Testing :: Genetics Disorders Diseases Papers

Genetic Testing Genetic screening uses a variety of laboratory procedures to find out if a person has a genetic condition or disorder or is likely to develop a disease based on his or her genetic makeup. Individuals may wish to be tested if the family shows a history of one specific disease such as Huntington's Disease or breast cancer, if they show symptoms of a genetic disorder which could be improved by early diagnosis, or if they are planning a family and are concerned about the possibility of passing on a genetic trait to their offspring. This last type of screening can look at the parent's genotype or look at the genotype of the fetus or newborn. This type of screening can also look for a specific disorder or can be done as a general test for common disorders as in prenatal testing or more commonly newborn screening. Genetic tests use techniques to examine genes or markers near the genes. Direct testing for diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis and Sickle Cell Anemia come from an analysis of an individual's specific genes. A technique called linkage analysis, or indirect testing, is used when the gene cannot be directly identified but can be located within a specific region of a chromosome. This testing requires additional DNA from an affected family member for comparison. Because each person's DNA is unique (except for identical twins), genetic tests also can be used for individual identification ("DNA fingerprinting"). This technique is often used in forensic work, where samples from a crime scene such as blood or semen could be used as incriminating or acquitting evidence. Genetic testing is a complex process, and the results depend both on reliable laboratory procedures and an accurate translation of results. Tests also vary in sensitivity, that is, their ability to detect mutations or to detect all patients who have or will develop the disease. Interpretation of test results are often complex even for trained physicians and other health care specialists. Types of Genetic Testing Carrier Identification includes genetic tests used by couples whose families have a history of recessive genetic disorders and who are considering having children. Three common tests include those for cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs disease, and sickle-cell trait but more tests are coming on the market at a very high rate. Norman Frost of the University of Wisconsin Madison Medical School says, "Potential new genetic tests roll off the conveyor belt of the human genome project almost once a week " (2).