Saturday, August 31, 2019

Love in 4 pre 1940 poems Essay

What differences have you found in the presentation of attitudes to love in any 4 of the pre 1940 poems I am going to write about 4 different poems and about there differences and similarities The 4 poems i have chosen to write about are: To Celia – by Ben Jonson To His Coy Mistress – Andrew Marvell My Picture – By Abraham Cowley Shall I Compare thee†¦? – By William Shakespeare The predominant attitude to love before nineteen-fourteen was to base affection purely on surface qualities and not the internal qualities. Some of the poems support and others contradict this view. I am going to explore the different attitudes to love in poems written before nineteen-fourteen by Shakespeare, Jonson, Cowley and Marvell. The main purpose of Shakespeare’s sonnet, â€Å"Shall I compare thee†¦? † is to immortalise his beloved through his own poetry. The sonnet is initially seen as typical of the love poetry of Elizabethan England because he is comparing his beloved to nature’s beauty However, Shakespeare takes the Elizabethan love poem a step further by explaining that his beloved is, in fact, not to be viewed at all like this: â€Å"And every fair from fair sometime declines†. The sonnet is split into three quatrains with a rhyming couplet to end the poem. Shakespeare uses examples of natural beauty to explain that his beloved is not as beautiful as these exquisite natural beauties, but will last longer and will stay even more beautiful inside: â€Å"But thy eternal summer shall not fade† He reveals that she is, in fact, is even more beautiful than the summer as her beauty will never fade. Shakespeare appears to be very mature in his views on love and talks realistically rather than in a passionate moment. Shakespeare used a conventional form of poetry to praise poetry and his beloved. He boasted that both would be preserved nearly eternally. Five hundred years later, no one refutes his boast. On the other hand, â€Å"To Celia† is an example of the idolatry that the Shakespeare sonnet mocks. Jonson likens his beloved to a goddess, giving her special powers beyond realistic measure. He writes lyrically and expresses deep personal emotions about love as someone who was foolishly and passionately in love would do, using many exaggerated metaphors and vivid language phrases: â€Å"But might I of Jove’s nectar sup, I would not change for thine. † He attempts to show the extent of his love for her, by telling her, that even if he was offered to drink from the Holy Grail, he would prefer to drink from her cup. Using religion to express love was very popular in love poetry at that time, as it was viewed as extremely important part of their culture. In â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†, Marvell’s beloved is also not idolised, as in â€Å"To Celia† but he does use excessive flattery as a persuasive device. This makes many of the supposedly devoted phrases he uses seem false. â€Å"An hundred years should go to praise Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze† He exaggerates how beautiful he thinks she is by likening her to a Goddess who should be worshipped, hoping that this will convince her of his love. The Shakespeare sonnet makes references to the five senses. Jonson’s â€Å"To Celia†, written at a similar time, also refers to the senses: â€Å"Drink to me, only, with thine eyes† Marvell writes â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† in 1621, also attempting to persuade, like Jonson. This time not to get his beloved to love him, but to persuade her to sleep with him. Both men are seen to be being rejected whereas in the Shakespeare sonnets, it is obvious that the couples are very much in love already. The poem â€Å"My picture† by Abraham Cowley is similar to â€Å"To Celia†, as both women are the two men’s life forces. They imply in their poems that if the women were not there, then their lives would be worthless and they would die. In â€Å"My picture† Cowley gives his beloved a picture and he implies that if she is not in his life then the picture will no longer look the same. This is even though the picture has only recently been drawn, because he will have withered away as he has been out of her presence. As you can see both in â€Å"My Picture† and â€Å"To Celia† both men rely on the two women to keep them alive. If we look at the poem â€Å"My Picture† by Cowley the words he has used looked quite forced as if he has just used them to make the poem rhyme. I think however that Cowley has tried to make the poem quite light hearted by using simplicity with the rhyming- â€Å"The next sun’s rising will behold Me pale, and lean, and old. † – We can see from this small extract the simplicity of the poem and also the way Cowley has just used words that fit but therefore look forced. However if we look again at the language of â€Å"To Celia†, Ben Jonson has used quite complicated language that some might find hard to understand – â€Å"Deserts of vast eternity† Doth ask a drink divine; But might I of Jove’s nectar sup, I would not change for thine The poem â€Å"To Celia† has a rhyming scheme ABCB. Ben Jonson has made the words of the poem flow really well – â€Å"Drink to me only with thine eyes, And I’ll not look for wine Or leave a kiss but in the cup And I’ll not look for wine† As you can see by reading this the words Ben Jonson has used do not seem as if he has just used them because they rhyme, he has simply used them because these chosen words are telling his story. If we look at the poem â€Å"Shall I compare thee†¦ † by Shakespeare the language he has used is simple and easy to read. The poem is also understandable unlike parts of â€Å"To Celia† by Ben Jonson. In conclusion we can see that all four poems however being similar in some way also have there on qualities and downsides. In Shakespeare’s sonnet he tries to say that beauty on the inside will last forever however beauty on the outside will be destroyed one day. On the other hand Marvell writes his poem to persuade his beloved, not to adore her. Jonson writes to try and tell his beloved how much he loves her as he is desperate to be with her.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Germaine Greer Essay

GERMAIN GREER HAD NO FEAR In the early 1970s, a woman’s role in society was still set by male expectations. While women were expected to work and be educated, it was considered more important that they marry and become housewives. Women were also paid less than men for the same work, and denied many opportunities because they were women. In 1970, Australian-born author Germaine Greer wrote The Female Eunuch, a book that challenged a woman’s traditional role in society, and provided an important framework for the feminist movement of the 1970s. The Female Eunuch called on women to reject their traditional roles in the home, and explore ways to break out of the mould that society had imposed on them. It also encouraged women to question the power of traditional authority figures – such as doctors, psychiatrists, priests and the police – who at the time were not used to being questioned, and to explore their own sexuality: Women have somehow been [†¦] cut off from their capacity for action. It’s a process that sacrifices vigour for delicacy and succulence, and one that’s got to be changed. – Germaine Greer, New York Times, 22 March 1971 Source There had been other books published on Women’s Liberation – most famously Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex and Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique – but Greer’s book was written with a naughty sense of humour and a directness that the others lacked. This witty honesty made the book accessible to a very wide readership, and was perhaps the reason for the book’s enormous success. Greer hoped that her book would inspire women to see themselves as powerful when it came to their own roles and sexuality. In many ways she was successful. The Female Eunuchcertainly did push the Women’s Liberation Movement forward, and it became one of the world’s most influential books on the subject. QUOTES BY GERMAINE HERSELF * ‘’The house wife is an unpaid employee in her husband’s house in return for the security of being a permanent employee’’. * ‘’Yet if a woman never lets herself go, how will she ever know how far she might have got? If she never takes off her high-heeled shoes, how will she ever know how far she could walk or how fast she could run?’’ * ‘’ If a person loves only one other person, and is indifferent to his fellow men, his love is not love but a symbiotic attachment, or an enlarged egotism.’’ * ‘’ All societies on the verge of death are masculine. A society can survive with only one man; no society will survive a shortage of women.’’ By SHANNON JONES

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Best Personal Experience

Everyone have experiences in their life. These experiences could be the incidents which was happened in someone else life or in our life. Some people learn lessons from their experiences and some experiences change the peoples life automatically. Who am I? is my best personal experience I have ever had in my life . During all of my primary school times, I seemed as if I were hiding behind a mask. When I was at home I was a totally different person. At school I was trying to be a person who could fit in, but the more I tried the more it didn’t seem to work. Everywhere I went I would censor what I said depending on my surroundings and the people that were with me. Most of the time I would not say anything at all because I was afraid of being embarrassed. I would always have to change my mode when different people were around me. It was horrible; I hated it. I was getting sick and tired of always being someone I was not. It was about the middle of the summer of 1998, when I was at grade nine, that I realized that being two different people was the worst thing that I could done to myself and that I did have other options. Around that time, a major influence on my life was my cousin, Thilani. She taught me that I would only live once and that I should be the person that I was and not some one that just tries to fit in. We were sitting a in a coffee shop, one evening, when she asked me the one question than changed my life. â€Å"Who are you? † When I first heard this question I hesitated to answer. This question opened a new door in my mind that had never been opened before. This was the first question that had actually made me think about myself and who I was. The more I thought about her question the more I realized that I had a decision to make; to be the person who tried to fit in and cared what other people thought or to be myself. For the past 15 years I had tried to fit in, and I had cared what other people thought and this hadn‘t seemed to work. So, for the first time, I was going to be myself. When I started to be myself, it seemed as if everything was different. I used to look at was only on the surface. I would not normally look deeply into a particular subject. When I was myself, the environment seemed as if it had a deeper meaning. Every thing I saw, heard, smelled, and felt I would perceive it in a extremely different way than ever before. Because of this, I was able to take what I had learned and apply it to many different things. When I went back to school, things were completely changed, my view toward life had changed, the people around me changed and my relationship with my family was changed. For example, before I realized this, my grades at school were decent but not the best that could be because I was lazy. After I got to school everything kind of fell together, it all made sense. I realized that if I did the work first I could be lazy later and not have to worry about it. As a result, my grades sky-rocketed in my senior year. In school, my circle of friends were people that I had been going to school with since sixth grade. I also had friends that were not in my circle. When I went back to school I decided to be one person, myself. After the first month, I realized that most of my friends were all single serving friends. That is, they were friends only during good times and that’s all. Most of my friends slowly parted from me because I went my own way. I didn’t try to fit in. At this time in my life I found out who my real friends were and who I really was. As my attitude changed so did my relations with my family. My sister and I fought all the time. It was always about small stupid stuff that was not really relevant. One day while we were having a small quarrel, I stopped and took a step back and looked at the big picture. It hit me, I realized that I shouldn’t sweat for small stuff. People are not perfect, they do make mistakes. After this day it seemed as if my sister and I had the perfect relationship. I was also able to really connect with the people in my family. The bond between my family and I has grown stronger ever since. Through what I have learned, I was able to put myself into other peoples shoes and see their point of view as well as my own, giving me new perspectives and insight in all areas of life. Everyday is a new day, and I take one day at a time. So, who am I? I am not a person who tries to fit in, I am not a person who cares what other people think, I am Anuththara, an individual, I am my own entity. So far, this has been, without a doubt, the best personal experience I had in my life.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Management - Conflict Resolution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management - Conflict Resolution - Assignment Example More employees were hired in the weeks and months that followed. The basic salary that all floor employees earned was $7 hour. At the time the federal minimum was $5.85 an hour. The company offered the employees through a verbal offering a $5 production bonus per hour if the employees’ production exceeded a specified quota. The production incentive the company offered led to a major conflict between the administration of the company and the employees due to the fact that the company failed to pay the production incentive it promised. The conflict escalated as time passed on. The employees of the company became extremely agitated at the company because they felt the firm lied and stole from them. They were offered a financial incentive that increased the productivity of the company, but the company did not honor the verbal agreement. The morale of the employees became completely deteriorated as a direct consequence of the conflict. Other negative aspects of the conflict include d a breakdown of communications between the employees and the administration, demise in the productivity of the company, and a lack of trust in the managerial staff of the firm. Things started to worst at this firm instead of better as the conflict continued. The company began to implement other abusive labor practices such as missing hours worked from the employee checks, late payment of payroll, and bounced checks. Sometimes the employees had to wait two to three weeks after the payroll was due to get paid. As things got worse the employees began to rely on each more for financial and emotional support. On many instances the workers helped each other out by giving rides to work to employees that ran out of gasoline money due to the delays in payment. The employees also united their efforts to find a resolution to the problem. The labor movement led to the formation of an employee union. I was right in the middle of things when the union was formed. I joined the union because I tho ught that this was the best way to take a collective stand against the oppressor. My employer was wrong because its actions violated U.S. labor laws. People that work are entitled to a monetary compensation to be paid on time every payment cycle. After the union was formed the president of the union requested a meeting with the general manager in order to find a peaceful resolution to the labor conflict. The manager denied the meeting and the employees decided to go on strike. The history of U.S. labor strikes dates back to the 19th century (Washington, 2012). In search of greater protection the unionization of employees increased after the Great Depression. The strike led to a labor stoppage that lasted three weeks. The administration finally gave in and decided to have a meeting with the union leaders to resolve the conflict. After this meeting the company decided to honor the previously negotiated incentive of $5 an hour for employees that exceed a specified production quota. Iro nically this negotiation did not lead to the greatest result in the long run since the company lost the faith of its top corporate clients. The firm lost some of its biggest clients and was forced to close down operation less than three months after the labor strike ended. Upon reflection of the conflict I faced at my former employer I would have handled the situation much differently. I was part of the founding team of this company. The labor conflict

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Short paper on American history (to 1877) Assignment

Short paper on American history (to 1877) - Assignment Example As the rest 13 colonies lacked the elected representatives in British parliament, they found the laws and policy illegitimate and in violation of their rights as Englishmen. (Shmoop Editorial Team, 2008) Many colonies started to create committees of correspondence leading to their own provincial congresses. These committees or provincial congresses in course of 2 years dismissed the British government rule. The colonies in addition to rejecting the British parliament replaced the political frame work of the state and gathered themselves and coordinated the first continental congress in 1774. Many Protestants then started to emerge, especially in the areas of Boston. In result of protests against British attempts to assert authority, Britain sent troops to combat and dissolve local governments and to impose direct royal officials decree. (The American Revolution) In answer colonies started to organize their military against British acts and soon after war broke out within the states. This war is a important bench mark in the history of American Independence and is known as revolutionary war. Even though many colonies decided to stay away from the war and sent repeated pleas to the British parliament yet the British king declared the 13 Colonies â€Å"In rebellion† and traitor. By 1776 these colonies on their own cast votes in second continental congress and adopted declaration of independence. Furthermore, U.S.A along with, with French, Spain and United provinces defeated Britain in 1777 at Saratoga. This made French have open alliance with U.S.A. later to confine British defeat, America with French army captured large part of British colony which was led by British general Charles Cornwallis at York town, Virginia in 1781. The successful capture put an end to British efforts to find military solutions to American problem. U.S.A was now an independent state and these thirteen colonies subsequently made the first thirteen states of

How have women progressed over the past forty years in The Bahamas Essay

How have women progressed over the past forty years in The Bahamas - Essay Example This paper focuses on how women in the Bahamas acquired the rights to vote, progression of women in leadership especially in politics, education, and legal affairs, as well as issues of poverty and level of income among women. One of the significant progressions of women in the Bahamas is the acquisition of the right to vote. Recently, the Bahamas celebrated the 51st centenary of the Women’s Suffrage Movement. In the past, women and other individuals who did not own property were no allowed to vote in the Bahamas. This movement took place in the 1950’s and it was aimed at fighting for the rights of women to vote like the male population (Hannas-Ewers 70). According to Komolafe, women all over the world were involved in a lot of struggles that saw the world start advocating for the rights of women and issues of equality. It is important to posit that the Bahamas was colonized by the United Kingdom with the earliest English settlers occupying their land as early as the se venteenth century. They gained their independence on July 10, 1973. During the colonial era, only men owning assets were allowed to vote. The reason behind this was the notion that men owning assets laid more significance on the having an efficient leadership (A4). To understand the progression of women in the Bahamas over the last forty years in terms equality in voting, it is important to elucidate the fact that the advancement of shared and collective situations as well as the initiative of impartiality started as early as the nineteenth century. This period saw a lot of women advancing in education and hence many women were involved in development and transformation agendas. This laid the foundation of the Women’s Suffrage Movement. During the periods of the struggle, both women and men were opposed and demanded a rectification of cultural, opinionated, and financial disparities. In 1960, steps and strategies were put into place that would allow women to vote. Consequentl y, women in the Bahamas participated in their initial voting exercise in 1962. The Bahamian constitution is heralded as a preeminent document but some parts form the basis for the discrimination against women. This is supported by West who posits that â€Å"The Women’s Suffrage Movement founded by Mary Ingraham, Georgina Symonette, and Eugenia Lockhart in the early to mid 1950’s aimed to attain the vote for women. With the help of Dr. Doris Johnson, the first Bahamian woman to obtain a doctorate, who mobilized the organization, women succeeded in obtaining the vote in 1961. They voted for the first time in 1962† (22). The United Nations implemented plans of actions that necessitated all nations to bring to an end disparity against women in 1979. This plan of action is known as the International Bill of Rights for Women. This was approved and endorsed by the Bahamas government in 1993. This move significantly ended prejudice and unfairness against women (West 22) . However, according to the constitution, women are given equivalent liberties and privileges based on whether their children are citizens of the Bahamas or whether they are citizens in another country. Currently, women in the Bahamas have made a lot of progression in politics. West points out that â€Å"Dr. Doris Johnson was the first woman to be a cabinet minister (1968) and the first to

Monday, August 26, 2019

Hairstyles of the Damned Discussion 2 Assignment

Hairstyles of the Damned Discussion 2 - Assignment Example But for what it’s worth, it is noble because Brian really put effort in choosing songs that he thinks Gretchen would like. It speaks about how he really wants to impress her and make her feel that his feelings are true. If Brian was able to make the perfect mixed tape, I think that Gretchen will still not fall for him because Gretchen just does not see Brian as a lover. Gretchen’s type in the book is Tony Degan, and though he’s a jerk and it was not fair of her to put Brian in the â€Å"friendzone†, sometimes, even in life, that’s just how it is. Brian just needs to be content in being her friend because that’s all that she can be for him. The beer scene with Brian and Gretchen’s father is one of the best scenes for me. It’s really emotional and there are a lot of youths today that can relate to what had happened. I think, that moment meant a lot to Brian. He shared a close bond with his father but when his parents divorced, it’s like he was alone and the deep connection he had with his dad all but vanished. Gretchen’s dad made him realize that he is a good person – someone who’s worth something, not just a failure, or a punk kid, or a delinquent, or a nobody. In school and in his home, he was looking for somewhere that he can be accepted and a place here he can fit in. No one had vocally appreciated him and I think that is one of the reasons why his life as so messed-up. If adults were more vocal in what they like about us young people, I think more of us will be able to turn our lives around and become good. Teens as well as anyone crave love, and appreciation – being told that you are good is a nice way to build one’s belief in one’s self and eventually direct the youth to a better

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Organizational Diversity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organizational Diversity - Research Paper Example Eventually, they promote uniformity instead of diversity. The long - term achievement of any organization calls for a diverse group of talent that can convey fresh ideas, perceptions and views to their organization. The challenge that diversity postures, therefore, is enabling managers to exploit on the mixture of cultural backgrounds, ages, lifestyles and genders to react to business opportunities more promptly and creatively (Carter 6). Two main kinds of diversities can be noted in an organizational setting. They include surface level diversity and deep level diversity. The surface level diversities comprise of the differences which get easily noted such as age, race / ethnicity, disability, culture, language etc. They often get easy to measure, and managers and recruiters may fall in the wrong practice of discrimination on the basis of these factors. For instance thinking that age degrades performance, they may end up preferring younger recruits. Surface level diversity gets often impossible, if not difficult to change. For instance, racial disparity cannot be scaled down to zero (Carter 13). On the other hand, deep level diversity stands out as exceptionally hard to be noticed within an organization since they get communicated through verbal and non – verbal attributes. Examples include differences in attitude, personality, believe and values. Deep level diversity in an organization normally starts with identifying the underlying surface level diversities, and when individuals get to know one another they begin noticing the deep level individual differences hence tend to like or dislike. For instance, an individual belonging to a marginalized ethnic group may be handled differently by fellow comrades on the grounds that his / her differing language or culture. However, as the individual interacts more they get to discover his / her differing beliefs and values later on and seem to forget underlying surface level disparity (Carter 15). The

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder and different teaching methods in Research Proposal

Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder and different teaching methods in the classroom - Research Proposal Example It is said great scientists Newton and Einstein too had Autism in some form or other. Only it has been recognized of late and meriting the attention of the social scientists to ease the ASD affected individuals out of the so-called disorder so that they can scale newer heights. Autism is a developmental problem found early in childhood that results in verbal, non-verbal communication or social interaction disability. Usually this disability becomes evident before the age of three and has a bearing upon educational performance when the child grows older. Autism is also known as autism spectrum disorder, pervasive development disorder (PDD), PDD- not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), atypical autism, and Asperger’s Syndrome. Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) occurring early in life will last for the rest of one’s life. It is not a single disorder but a syndrome of collection of characteristics in growing children. Though ASD is found in both males and females, the incidence is more in males. It is severe and pervasive when it affects almost all the faculties of the individual even though he may be very intelligent or high functioning. ASD also occurs when the individual has cognitive impairment also known as mental retardation or mental impairment. ASD can also occur due to neurobiological reasons affecting the physical brain or chemistry of the brain. When the individual is not able to communicate by using speech or language or when his speech is delayed or quality of communication or verbal skills are affected, he is deeme d to have ASD. In some cases, the individual cannot display unspoken language such as gestures, facial expressions. ASD also makes the individual unable to understand what others say and respond to them or their non-verbal movements. The individual will have difficulty maintaining friendship and social contact regardless of age even though he may want to keep the relationships. He will be sensitive to touch,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Phase 3 DB Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Phase 3 DB - Assignment Example This report includes the notes to the financial statement of the company and the comparative analysis of the new business expanse intent of the Apex Inc. It also discusses the profitable outcomes for the shareholders and the bondholders. Introduction Apex Printing Inc. is the privatized United States printing company which cater the printing of research papers, newspaper inserts, journals and magazines, periodicals and the advertisements that incorporate Sunday and weekly circulations of metropolitan newspapers. Apex Inc., headed by the CEO John Mathews generates a revenue of 450 million US $ per annum based on three main product lines namely the periodicals, inserts and the advertisements. This company holds long contractual relationships with several U.S retailers for the vast production on a large scale. Recently in a meeting with the CEO and Vice President of the Sales Administration James Simeon, an initiative was put forward in the intent of the further expanse of the product l ine of Apex Inc. and to carry out productions in a different streamline: food packaging and following a different preplanned strategy. The meeting was soon followed by another meeting with the CEO and the VP of Production and Supply Chain, Luke Stewart. ... Mathews. However Mr. Mathews pointed out that Mr. Stewart view on long term profit was only possible if the project has been carried out successfully and with the striving attitude to include perfection in it. To discuss further on the this proposal I hereby, the VP finance am required to submit an initiative report to the CFO of the incorporation in this matter highlighting the finance statement and the discussion of the project’s details and the end result and henceforth making a satisfactory attempt to persuade the shareholders and the bondholders for the gain of their valuable investment in this project. Method: The current profit-loss status of the Apex Inc. is not vary much commendable however one also refrain from grading it as below average. But, owing to the present circumstances and the new inceptive of the expanse of the business approved by the CEO, I am here to give you a brief description of the present state of the company and the cost to implement the newer pro ject in pursuit of stabilizing the incorporation’s profits. Given here are the formulas for the calculation of the net present value (NPV) and the internal rate of return (IRR) of the expanse of Apex Inc. followed by the cost description of the food packaging project. When cash inflows are even (NPV): NPV = R ? 1 ? (1 + i)-n ? Initial Investment i In the above formula, R  is the net cash inflow expected to be received each period; i  is the required rate of return per period; n  are the number of periods during which the project is expected to operate and generate cash inflows. When cash inflows are uneven: NPV = R1 + R2 + R3 + ... ? Initial Investment (1 + i)1 (1 + i)2 (1 + i)3 Where, i  is the target rate of return per period; R1  is the net cash inflow during the first

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Adele Is My Role Modle Essay Example for Free

Adele Is My Role Modle Essay Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was born in Tottenham, north London, England, to Penny Adkins, an English teenager, and Mark Evans, a Welshman, on 5 May 1988 Evans walked out when Adele was two, leaving her 20-year-old mother to raise her single-handedly,for which Adele has still not forgiven him. She has a younger half-brother on her fathers side, Cameron Evans. She began singing at age four and asserts that she became obsessed with voices. Adele has cited the Spice Girls as a major influence in regard to her love and passion for music, stating that they made me what I am today. Adele impersonated the Spice Girls at dinner parties as a young girl. To make her look like English RB and urban contemporary singer Gabrielle, her mother made an eye patch with sequins, which Adele later said was embarrassing. See more: Examples of satire in adventures of huckfinn essay At the age of nine, Adele and her mother, a furniture-maker and adult learning activities organiser, relocated to Brighton. Despite this move, she remains an ardent fan of her hometown Premier League football club Tottenham Hotspur. Two years later, she and her mother moved back to London; first to Brixton, and then to neighbouring district West Norwood, in south London. West Norwood is the subject for Adeles first record, Hometown Glory, written when she was 16. After moving to south London, she became interested in RB artists such as Aaliyah, Destinys Child and Mary J. Blige. Adele says that one of the most defining moments in her life was when she watched Pink perform at Brixton Academy. It was the Missundaztood record, so I was about 13 or 14. I had never heard, being in the room, someone sing like that live [ ] I remember sort of feeling like I was in a wind tunnel, her voice just hitting me.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Performance and Participation in games Essay Example for Free

Performance and Participation in games Essay Read through the following notes and then answer the questions at the end of each section. Please answer each set of questions on a different sheet using a new heading each time. Please write your answers fully in sentences. Consider how many marks each question is worth as to how much you need to write. The questions should be finished and handed in on Tuesday the 7th November along with your coursework (all sections). School Questions. 1. Explain how your experiences in PE can have both a negative or a positive effect on your participation in sport later in life (2). Name 5 different roles that a pupil could take within a PE lesson (5) 3. For key stage three PE explain what areas of activity are covered and the aims of PE at this level (7) 4. For key stage four PE explain what areas of activity are covered and the aims of PE at this level (4) 5. Explain what benefits can be sought from extra- curricular PE i. On a representational basis and ii. On a recreational basis (4) 6. Name one benefit of examination courses for i. The image of PE and ii. Pupils who have an interest in PE. 7. Explain what benefits links with sports clubs can have and why this is necessary (3) 8. Explain why cross- curricular links are important for pupils (2). 9. Name and explain 3 ways that a school could cover the cost of its sporting activities (3). 10. Explain how curriculum constraints can have a negative effect on how much time is available for PE (2). 11. Explain how tradition can affect the opportunities pupils may have within PE (2) 12. Explain how the environment can affect the opportunities that pupils may have within PE (both positive and negative) (2). Changing Attitudes. What effects do attitudes of society have on participation in games? 1. What is leisure (2) 2. How has leisure time increased (1) 3. Give some of the reasons for this increase and explain why these effects do actually increase opportunities (5) 4. Explain the aim of private leisure providers and name three different types of leisure opportunities they provide (4) 5. Explain the aim of public leisure providers and name three different types of leisure opportunities they provide (4) 6. Name some of the target groups that public providers make provisions for, explain what provisions they make and why this is useful. (5)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

How Is Machinal A Reflection English Literature Essay

How Is Machinal A Reflection English Literature Essay Machinal is a strong echo of its cultural context, making it an interesting and refreshing piece of theatre. It touches on the rising issues of the time, which would go onto have an immense impact on todays popular culture. This makes Machinal both relevant and timely for a modern audience, without obscuring Treadwells original aims and views, through her use of expressionism. Treadwell was one of the first few dramatists that brought this obscure genre to the Broadway, in the late 20s. The aim of the expressionist movement, which was shared by Treadwell, was to replicate the new and regenerated spirit of American culture. Treadwell uses the character of the young Woman as a vehicle for this view. Though Treadwell never achieved the same celebrated success and recognition of many of her male colleagues, today she is considered one of the most accomplished writers and dramatists of the early twentieth century. Machinal is considered the best and most successful of her works and first opened on Broadway in 1928. In a South Atlantic review, (Weiss 2006) states that Treadwell has dedicated her literary career to exploring the lives and motives of lonely and trapped individuals. In spring 1927, Treadwell attended the infamous trial of Ruth Synder and her lover, Judd Gray, although, Treadwell did not officially cover the trial as a reporter, the time she spent in the courtroom served as the catalyst for Machinal. Synder seemed like a harmless housewife and her lover was portrayed as an unintelligent accessory in her crimes. The trial attracted an amazing public interest, with over 180 reporters that wrote a total of 1,500,000 words on the case. Almost every day there was some new coverage about the Synder-Gray trial. The media turmoil did not stop until Synder and Gray were finally executed via an electric chair in January 1928. Synder became the first woman to be executed in 20th century New York State. Many have argued that Treadwell chose to use expressionistic techniques in an attempt to focus solely on the theme of one womans imprisonment in an indifferent marriage. By using expressionism, Treadwell distances Machinal from the melodramatic case on which it is based on. Treadwells character of the young woman is the unprecedented embodiment of the 1920s new woman. This new type of woman was not devoted to social service, in comparison to the progressive generations, resulting with a woman more in tune with the capitalistic spirit of the era. The first episode takes place within the George H. Jones Company office. The Young woman is late for work and scolded by her co-workers. Treadwell writes Helen as a unnerved woman, who is clearly crushed by society a feeling probably expressed by the old woman. She is often late as she cannot stand the stifling crowds of the subway, this serves as a metaphor for how Helen feels about society in general. Daunted by urban industrialisation, represented here by deafening machine noises, train whistles and welding riveting sounds. (Dolan 1992). Helen wants nothing more put to be free of her prison of a job, but instead is forced into a callous marriage with an unattractive, unappealing man. Unlike the old woman, the new woman was eager to compete and longing to find personal fulfilment. You could argue the new woman, was now selfish. The young woman wants personal fulfilment, whereas, her mother clings to the old view of women. Here Treadwell clearly expresses the vast difference between the Helen and her mothers generation and their personal views of women. What replaced the moralizing piousness of the matriarchy was an irreverent egalitarian popular and mass culture which was steeped in the ethos of terrible honesty as Raymond Chandler puts it. Douglas interprets the desire to strip away the deceptive appearances of modern life and glimpse the sometimes unpleasant underlying realities (Glenn 1997). This is what Treadwell does with the Husband and the Young Women. On the surface it looks like the perfect opportunity for a marriage, hes a successful business man and shes a woman destined for motherhood, with no real future, however, below the surface a horrific murder takes place. New women also began staking claim to their own bodies, taking part in a sexual liberation. We see this in Machinal where the young woman doesnt allow her husband to be too intimate with her, but happily has an illicit love affair with a stranger she has control of her body! Many of the ideas of this era, and those Treadwell expands upon in her play, have fuelled the rapid change in sexual thought. Nevertheless, these ideas were already floating around intellectual New York circles prior to the First World War, in the writings of Sigmund Freud, Havelock Ellis and Ellen Key. Here, thinkers expressed sex as being central to the human experience, emphasising that women are also sexual beings with human impulses and desires, just like their male counterparts. Restraining these impulses would be self-destructive. By the 1920s these ideas idea flooded the mainstream media. Treadwell puts focus on this again through the young woman (the expressionistic vehicle), as the only way she finds freedom is through an illicit love affair. Machinal reflects a culture moving closer and closer to being more secular and leaving behind biblical verses such as The women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. Christianity inevitably plays a very important role in the last episode of Machinal. The young womans attempt of objectification finally explodes into murder. Treadwell represents her final suppression at the hands of the church and the court. The ultimate justice of God, where the priest continually says: Father forgive her, Christ forgive her. Treadwell is possibly stating how the young woman is now beyond the help of any earthly justice. She is finally secluded behind bars and continues to be determined to resist any governing authority. The executioner shears a clip off her hair, the final invasion of her bodily privacy, this suggests that the young woman has finally been sterilized and is completely under the law. One of Treadwells main messages is that all men are born free, whereas women are not. However, this is not what the bible teaches, the bible teaches that the entire human race are bound by sin, however, it was woman who sinned first and as a punishment she was made to submit to the authority of man and allow her husband to rule over her. This is something that would have been deeply rooted in the views of the people from the 1920s and Treadwell is trying to express, that women do not have certain freedoms, like men do. Dolan states that Treadwells text ironizes the liberal humanist notion that all me are born free (Dolan 1992). From further inference we also notice that no one in the play is given a clear identity. The fact that we dont find out what the young womans (Helen) name is until later episodes reveals that this is not important to character development. Many of the characters are defined purely by their occupation or role in life (in the case of the Mother) this device elucidates the idea that the young womans struggles can be the plight of any woman. Machinal can also be read as a feminist version of Elmer Rices 1923 play The Adding Machine, as both plays use expressionistic techniques and attempt to contextualize an secluded act of murder. To do so is to worry the abstract mode of Expressionism itself. Writing a type of play meant to highlight the universality of a subjects experience; Treadwell begins by suggesting her subjects specificity as a woman, and as a woman based on one individual woman. (Strand 1992) The plot of Machinal might portray Helen Jones as the villain; her role is quite the opposite. Treadwell clearly intender her to be a tragic heroine, the play is written with heated anger. Treadwell suggests women are doomed to wander forever in the dead wasteland of male dominated society, under complete authority. Since this is an expressionistic piece, its intent is to convey emotion and feeling, not realism, which would make Helen the villain. Helen does not murder her husband because she is evil; she does it because she has no other option. In conclusion, Machinal is indeed a strong representation and reflection of the cultural context of the time, using expressionism as a way for the audience to sympathise and empathise with the characters, rather than viewing them as social products of the 1920s, bringing the characters into the 21st century.

Liverpool :: essays research papers

The imposing iron gates standing between the West Derby streets and the Melwood training complex might have shifted some 500 yards or so off Melwood Avenue and onto since the last time Liverpool contemplated a trip to a European Cup Final but outside the scenes are exactly the same. Five or six kids who don't look old enough to remember a time before foreign managers at Anfield stand on tiptoes on the wall of the house opposite the entrance to the most famous training ground in English football. They've been here all day claims the steward manning the gates. Never mind the fact that their parents probably think they're in school, they're here, mobile phones poised at the ready, to snap Djibril Cisse leaving in his Hummer. Twenty yards away, leaning against another wall, are two men hoping to collect autographs from players who, with the exception of possibly Maurico Pellegrino, are probably younger than their sons. Inside the foyer, Luis Garcia, decked out in long black shorts and a black Reebok sweatshirt, looks up from inspecting the contents of a large cardboard box sitting on the floor and smiles. He says hello, turns to the new receptionist, asks a question in perfect English and then scans the names in the signing-in book to see if he recognises any. It doesn't seem that long ago that Spaniard had to call in an interpreter to help him answer questions in an interview for this website. Elsewhere, coaching staff, players and members of the medical team go about their business. The Premiership season ended yesterday and while departure lounges all over the country are probably packed with footballers waiting to jet off to Dubai, Florida and anywhere in Europe with a lush green golf course and fully stocked 19th hole, the only flight the players here will be boarding in the immediate future is a non-stop chartered one to Istanbul. Liverpool might have finished one place and two points worse off than last season but you'd never guess it from the mood inside and outside of Melwood. The small matter of the club's first European Cup Final to contest in 20 years has probably got something to do with it but even before Bayer Leverkusen, Juventus and Chelsea were dispensed with en route to the Ataturk Stadium, the mood was bristling with positivity and a feeling that, in what could only be described as Liverpool most bizarre season ever, anything could happen. Liverpool :: essays research papers The imposing iron gates standing between the West Derby streets and the Melwood training complex might have shifted some 500 yards or so off Melwood Avenue and onto since the last time Liverpool contemplated a trip to a European Cup Final but outside the scenes are exactly the same. Five or six kids who don't look old enough to remember a time before foreign managers at Anfield stand on tiptoes on the wall of the house opposite the entrance to the most famous training ground in English football. They've been here all day claims the steward manning the gates. Never mind the fact that their parents probably think they're in school, they're here, mobile phones poised at the ready, to snap Djibril Cisse leaving in his Hummer. Twenty yards away, leaning against another wall, are two men hoping to collect autographs from players who, with the exception of possibly Maurico Pellegrino, are probably younger than their sons. Inside the foyer, Luis Garcia, decked out in long black shorts and a black Reebok sweatshirt, looks up from inspecting the contents of a large cardboard box sitting on the floor and smiles. He says hello, turns to the new receptionist, asks a question in perfect English and then scans the names in the signing-in book to see if he recognises any. It doesn't seem that long ago that Spaniard had to call in an interpreter to help him answer questions in an interview for this website. Elsewhere, coaching staff, players and members of the medical team go about their business. The Premiership season ended yesterday and while departure lounges all over the country are probably packed with footballers waiting to jet off to Dubai, Florida and anywhere in Europe with a lush green golf course and fully stocked 19th hole, the only flight the players here will be boarding in the immediate future is a non-stop chartered one to Istanbul. Liverpool might have finished one place and two points worse off than last season but you'd never guess it from the mood inside and outside of Melwood. The small matter of the club's first European Cup Final to contest in 20 years has probably got something to do with it but even before Bayer Leverkusen, Juventus and Chelsea were dispensed with en route to the Ataturk Stadium, the mood was bristling with positivity and a feeling that, in what could only be described as Liverpool most bizarre season ever, anything could happen.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Sir Gawain: A Man of Virtue Essay -- Knights Character Analysis Essays

Sir Gawain: A Man of Virtue Nobility, honesty, valiance and chivalry are the values instilled in Sir Gawain. He is a respected knight due to these characteristics. Both Sir Gawain and The Green Knight and in "The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell" present these qualities of Sir Gawain. In both tales, he proves these traits through many events. Sir Gawain and The Green Knight proves Sir Gawain’s nobility and honesty while "The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell" provides proof of his chivalry and virtue. The author of Sir Gawain and The Green Knight describes Sir Gawain as "the good knight" (Norton 204) within the first few verses of the story. He is said to be the "most courteous knight" (Norton 215) of Arthur’s court as well. When Sir Gawain stays in the castle with the host and his wife, he is faced with many tests. Although Sir Gawain does not know it at this point, the host is actually the Green Knight. The host, Bercilak de Hautdesert, tells his wife to seduce Sir Gawain as a test of his nobility. The wife, Lady Bercilak, listens to her husband and begins her attempts of seduction of the noble knight. Sir Gawain does not give in even though the host’s wife is boldly flirting with him. Gawain says, "Lady, by Saint John, Lover have I none, Nor will have, yet awhile" (Norton 239). This proves that Sir Gawain is filled with chivalry and virtue because although he could have taken full advantage of the situation, he does not. Sir Gawain has many chances to tak... Sir Gawain: A Man of Virtue Essay -- Knights Character Analysis Essays Sir Gawain: A Man of Virtue Nobility, honesty, valiance and chivalry are the values instilled in Sir Gawain. He is a respected knight due to these characteristics. Both Sir Gawain and The Green Knight and in "The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell" present these qualities of Sir Gawain. In both tales, he proves these traits through many events. Sir Gawain and The Green Knight proves Sir Gawain’s nobility and honesty while "The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell" provides proof of his chivalry and virtue. The author of Sir Gawain and The Green Knight describes Sir Gawain as "the good knight" (Norton 204) within the first few verses of the story. He is said to be the "most courteous knight" (Norton 215) of Arthur’s court as well. When Sir Gawain stays in the castle with the host and his wife, he is faced with many tests. Although Sir Gawain does not know it at this point, the host is actually the Green Knight. The host, Bercilak de Hautdesert, tells his wife to seduce Sir Gawain as a test of his nobility. The wife, Lady Bercilak, listens to her husband and begins her attempts of seduction of the noble knight. Sir Gawain does not give in even though the host’s wife is boldly flirting with him. Gawain says, "Lady, by Saint John, Lover have I none, Nor will have, yet awhile" (Norton 239). This proves that Sir Gawain is filled with chivalry and virtue because although he could have taken full advantage of the situation, he does not. Sir Gawain has many chances to tak...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Ideology Essay -- British Politics

Ideology has played an important part in British politics for centuries. It played a part in the setting up of the three major parties as we know them today. Ideology is difficult to define as it is such as widely and loosely used term. Andrew Vincent as well as many other authors, Vincent describes ideology as, ‘the term ’ideology’ was a neologism compounded from the Greek terms eidos and logos. It can be defined as a ‘science of ideas’ (Vincent: 2009:p.1). Even from this definition it is difficult to fully understand the term ‘ideology’ as it has such a broad definition. The changing nature of British politics in the post-war era contributed to the level of importance that ideology had during this period. The post-war period became none as an era of consensus politics, the post-war consensus has been described by David Marsh as, ‘a distinct policy paradigm which shaped the strategic choices of Britain's leading political actors as they sought to build and then to preserve a 'New Jerusalem' from the damage created by the war’ (Marsh: 1999:p.67) this so called post-war consensus definitely played a part in the removal of ideology from British politics. Although the post-war consensus did remove the importance of ideology in British politics, there were periods within the post-war consensus where new ideologies emerged. Ideology was important in Clement Attlee’s government, which had a socialist policy agenda through the creation of the NHS and the advancement of the welfare state, in the 1980’s through the emergence of Thatcherism, as well as the creation of ‘New Labour’ in 1997 and even the current government can be seen as ideological. This essay will first look at the important role that ideology does have to play, and has play... ...the war. Although there has been times when ideology may be seen as unimportant, such as the post-war consensus, this can be seen as an ideology in itself due to the ambiguity of the term, as Hickson writes, ‘both the Labour and Conservative parties accepted the ideology of social democracy’ (Hickson: 2004: p.143). Therefore it is only fair to say that ideology has been important in British politics in the post-war era. Thatcher, Attlee and Blair were clearly ideologically motivated as their policies showed, but the post-war consensus can also be seen as a period of ideology that the major parties agreed on, and even the current government can be seen as promoting a new kind of ideology of compromise, ideology has and will continue to play an important role in British politics for centuries to come as ideologies adapt and evolve to fit the political circumstances.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Symbols of Personal Renewal in Henrik Ibsen’s ‘A Doll’s House’

Symbols of new beginnings for Nora In A Doll’s House the supporter, Nora lives in a Victorian society where adult females are to a great extent controlled and treated as second-class citizens. The mean Victorian adult females belonged to a stereotype that the adult females were required to remain place and clean, prepare repasts and raise kids. In matrimony Victorian adult females lost ownership of their rewards, all physical belongings, including land, and all other hard currency generated one time married. The hubby would stand for both adult male and adult female puting the hubby in control of everything and that including the married woman as if she was a piece of belongings. This was Nora before her new beginning. The dramatist employs a assortment of literary techniques and symbolism to convey the passage from a traditional Victorian adult female to the image of her seen at the terminal of the drama ; an embittered yet sophisticated, intelligent, and freshly empowered adult female boldly get awaying the i nfantilizing clasps of her old life. Amongst the symbols employed throughout the drama many were 1s in which represented a new beginning for Nora. From the point of act one she played the submissive, apparently selfish, foolish married woman declining to admit the strength that she was constructing. From the Christmas tree to the macaroons to the Tarantella to New Year’s twenty-four hours are really of import symbols which are Nora’s loves, they are what helped her to obtain her new beginning, these symbols conveyed to the reader the get downing a new for her. Christmas is favored vacation for Nora, the degree of felicity is exponential, but portion of the ground why she is so happy is the joy that she has when playing the function of a married woman and female parent. The plaything that she chose for her kids suggests that she is all right with the position quo of Victorian society, misss being nurturing and turning up to be a plain married woman and female parent while male childs grow up to be strong and powerful. Though during this phase her action of desiring to purchase something for herself implies that she wants to do a determination for herself traveling against the position quo. At this point though incognizant she starts to believe of independency as if the idea of it was in the dorsum of her head. Though Torvald does non let her to make so, the fact that Torvald will non swear her with money to purchase herself a present demonstrates a major instability of power. We see her during the drama telling the Christmas tree and so ado rning it, in secret moving independently an deduction of growing of strength to be an independent adult female turning, inching towards a new beginning. During Christmas Eve Nora believed her matrimony to be one that had small to no issues. At the beginning of the 2nd act, the tree has been stripped and the tapers burned out ; phase waies dictate that is should look â€Å"bedraggled† . This represents the terminal of Nora’s artlessness and foreshadows the Helmer family’s eventual decomposition, the tree represents the household and its integrity, the denudation of the tree foreshadows Nora depriving from the household unit and her going her ain individual and making her new beginning. She is get downing to alter significantly at this point. Though the first deduction of a strength that was get downing to turn was in her small act of eating a macaroon. The macaroons was a dainty that Torvald had forbidden Nora from eating. Nora claims that she â€Å"would ne'er dream† of making anything that Torvald did non desire her to make, but this is disproved in the really gap of the drama when Nora eats macaroons while she was entirely in the life room. The macaroons come to stand for Nora’s noncompliance to Torvald, as this was her first act of noncompliance seen by the audience. The macaroons show that Nora is the perfect small â€Å"pet† that Torvald views her to be. The macaroons map in the drama was to show that although that some households and lives seem image perfect, most of the clip it is non true, as proven by Nora’s demand to conceal the bond and macaroons from Torvald. Ibsen’s usage of symbolism in utilizing such a minor pleasance impacts the narrative in a immense manner by subtly demoing the audience that Nora’s life style is non as true, happy and dependent as it seems, an independent act can take to more and such implies her turning strength. After giving a stormy public presentation of the tarantella Nora asks that the macaroons be served at dinner, bespeaking a relationship between the macaroons and Nora’s interior passions, the tarantella and the macaroons can be said to be two of Nora’s loves which help to demo the audience the truth of who she truly is. The tarantella symbolizes a side of Nora that is ardent and passionate she could show her true nature in this dance. The Tarantella was a wild southern Italian dance, by and large danced by a twosome or line of twosomes. The dance was named after the European wolf spider spider, whose toxicant bite was erroneously believed to do ‘tarantism, ‘ an unmanageable impulse for wild dance. The ‘cure ‘ prescribed by physicians was for the sick person to dance to exhaustion. Pyscologists ground that the lone signifier of showing passion to its fullest, was the Tarantella. It is the fiery, passionate dance that allows Nora to drop the facade of perfect mild-mannered Victorian married woman it is the accelerator in which Nora is able to show a pent-up side of herself, her true ego. Ibsen’s arrangement of the Tarantella in the 3rd act is an prefiguration component which implies the interrupting out of Nora. Her new beginning, is clearly seen in this dance something that is non controlled. Throughout the drama Nora uses public presentations to delight Torvald, and the tarantella is no exclusion ; he admits that watching her perform makes him want her. However this is merely under controlled fortunes, and Torvald seems to bask that the public presentation impresses other people more than anything. But she can be merely controlled to a certain point such can be said when Torvald was seeking to give instructions â€Å"slow down† , seeking to command her as he watched her pattern before the existent event. Though this seems to be merely done to delight her hubby with a public presentation, what drives her to execute is the underlying facet that she can show her emotions to the fullest uncontrolled. New Years twenty-four hours is traditionally viewed as a new beginning and such can be said to be the Helmer family’s position, they are looking frontward to this new beginning. Torvald starts a better paying occupation at the bank at which he works, Nora is about free if non already free of her debt by New Years twenty-four hours. By the terminal of the drama Nora has decidedly made a new beginning for herself though non as expected ; without her kids and her hubby. As the secret about the debt is found out by Torvald and she has reached an epiphany because of this that she â€Å"existed simply to execute tricks† faulting him and her male parent for handling her like a spoiled kid and a toy for their ain amusement. They wanted her to be nescient and incapacitated, and therefore far she has merely tried to delight them and in bend losing out on any chance to educate and better herself. All the times she subtly rebelled or disobeyed or instead she was the 1 in control behind the scenes but now she is seen clearly, no more misrepresentation. Nora’s submissiveness to Torvald is no longer seen. She shows herself no longer as a kid but as an grownup adult female these symbols that the writer has employed has shown her development over clip. Particularly when Torvald fails to supply the strength that she needed, because of that she can truly state that she no longer loves him. Her realisation that she wants to prosecute her independency is non so much a transmutation but an waking up to a strength that she had possessed wholly along and with this strength she can get down a new.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Chinese Ccot Essay

CAC Global trade patterns and domestic economic affairs was significant to the world. It affects how well the country is running and makes it under control. Global trade patterns and domestic economic affairs has changed and continued in China from 500 to 1750. As time progressed, trade patterns and the economy became sophisticated and prominent. Many people began to depend and on the economic issues. Currency has changed into silver which became a huge demand. Today, the global trade patterns and domestic economic affairs is the way due to history. Due to unfortunate circumstances involved changed in currency and a look of diffusion, Chinese economy shifted a bit. As China developed lost contact with foreign regions and faced different conflicts, they changed trade patterns and domestic affairs. From the time period of 500 to 1750, the change and continuity of the use of Silk Road/Indian Ocean basin, the use of currency, and exporting goods stimulated in the global trade patterns and domestic economic affairs. China has prospered from the Silk Road from a long period of time. Once the Silk Road was established, it led to establishments of other intricate network of trade routes. It was a trade route across land masses which connected East, South, and Western Asia. Trades on the Silk Road was a significant factor in the development of the great civilizations and it helped lay foundations for the modern world. Many goods such as jewelries, spices, medicines, textiles, and etc were traded. The Silk Road was a source of cultural and economic diffusion between Asian and European societies. The Silk Road was always active and it became very prominent in the later years. However, due to bubonic plague (Black Death) that traveled, many merchants died and got ill. Also, there were many bandits there who stole stuff so many people started to not use the road. Also, soon, the maritime trade got popular so many people got involved in the seafaring trade in the ocean. The Silk Road became less used and slowly lost fame. Due to the diffusion that went in and out, it’s disconnection had a significant fee on China. China lost contact with foreign people and lost relationship with the outside world of global ideas, cultures, and technology. China especially became limited in foreign affairs with the Europeans. Not many people traded and not many people came into the Silk Road so it led to the downfall of China’s economy. The continuity that occurred was that the Silk Road was still being used. Even though all these disasters were occurring, people were still using the Silk Road to trade and to traveling. China depended and used the barter system for a long period of time. The barter system was trading item for an item and relying on interpersonal relationships for business. However, under the Ming dynasty, the currency was changed into silver. Silver was being imported and exported from many regions into China, where thriving domestic economy demanded increasing quantities of silver. The demand of silver was so high that Europeans exchanged silver for Chinese gold which they got more profit from in Japan. The Ming dynasty in China only accepted silver and nothing else. All taxes were to be paid with silver and traded with silver which led to the frantic demand of silver. The monopolization of silver led many people to get silver because only silver was accepted. However, the silver became overpriced since it was used as currency which led the Ming dynasty to not release silver in public. his lack of circulation had a huge impact on the economy which led to the downfall of the Ming dynasty. The change in currency damaged the Chinese economy so the currency changed. However, they used the currency to make the economy running by changing currencies. From the time period from 500 to 1750, China always has been manufacturing and producing their own needs. They imported goods they didn’t have or things that couldn’t be grown in their region but it wasn’t common. Also, China always been exporting because of the amount of resources they had(huge). Their goods changed as time progressed and they imported/exported different goods. The Chinese people exported luxury times, slaves, jewelries, corn, and etc from different time periods. However, they were always exporting goods which circulated and stimulated the world economy today too. China supported silver during the Ming dynasty which became in very high demand. China exported large amount of goods of luxury items in order to pay for the silver. The continuity that occurred was always has using the Indian Ocean Basin for trade and exporting goods. It was their maritime trade route which has been continuous like the Silk Road. Chinese cargos constantly roamed around the Indian Ocean Basin. exporting and selling goods all over the world, stimulating the world economy. China’s global trade patterns and domestic economic affairs changed and continued from 500 to 1750. China always had resources and goods available. China didn’t have to import often because most of the products were often produced or grown in China. However, China exported tons of things under the Indian Ocean basin. Not only did they only use the Indian Ocean Basin but also the Silk Road. The Silk Road was an important factor in trading and in diffusion. However, due to diseases, maritime trade, and bandits, the Silk Road lost fame. The change of in currency into silver under the Ming dynasty also had a big impact on China’s economy. These factors had a significant impact in the circulation of global ideas, traditions, and technology. These factors also led to the change and continuity of global trade patterns and domestic economic affairs from 500 to 1750.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Abc buildcon

ABC Buildcon is synonymous with highly motivated professionals and enterprisers, dedicated and committed to craft a platform to interpret your dreams of choicest place to world. It is an enthusiastic group with admirable foresight and forays into strategic growing by researching new possible to change over imaginings into actuality Our aim is to utilize our cognition and resources to supply nonpareil criterion of life. We are backed by experient professionals and we strive to function you better by placing chances and adding value to your investings and make a benchmark in criterion of service and unity. With the cognition of the present tendencies, we help you to acquire the best trade of your investing in the targeted way. A squad of dedicated professionals is headed by: Shri RP Agarwal, Anil Gupta & A ; Bimal Gupta under dedicated and committed stewardship with more than 5 old ages of experience in existent estate services managing all the countries of NCR – Delhi, Gurgaon, Chandigarh & A ; Jaipur either Residential, Commercial or Industrial Properties. â€Å"We are committed to entire Customer Satisfaction by supplying best services in the field of existent estate. This shall be achieved by doing continual betterments in our system including all activities† . Our consistence of the concern is focused on working with the clients by taking a pro active attack and value An Iso 9001 2000 Certified Company ; Conform To Quality Management System StandardOur VisionABC Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. is specialized in direction and realisation of Indian investings. Its competency and dependability are based on analytical attack and survey of any specific conditions on the market of existent estates. Among its clients there is a considerable figure of foreign companies holding involvements on the district of Gurgaon, Delhi NCR, Chandigarh & A ; Jaipur in India. ABC Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. is a dynamically developing company in the field of audience services – offering to its clients a full extent of audiences, direction, juridical and marketing analysis of supply-and-demand on the market of existent estates. The spirit of the company by offering to its clients wholly and exactly detailed market analysis, by interceding in implementation of minutess and by supplying – for their clients – warrants for protection of their involvements. The Secret of our company consist in: –Exceeding dependability in supplying information and good choiceProfessionalism and assuranceHigh quality attending including after a dealing concludedOur MissionOur Mission And ValuessFocused On ServiceIdentify client outlooks and demandsSupply solutions that meet concern demandsApply and adhere to the highest criterions of serviceDeliver committednesss on clip, every clipDriven By IntegrityDemonstrate highest degrees of professionalism and unitySystematically use recognized best patternsComply with all demands of regulative and professional organic structuresOur TeamABC Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. is expeditiously working in the countries like Gurgaon, Chandigarh, Jaipur and Delhi NCR. Since the origin of our company, it is working really good under the effectual and experient leading of Shri RPAgarwal, Mr. Anil Gupta & A ; Bimal Gupta. Apart from this, we are traveling in front with the aid of the first-class work force, which is dedicated to d eduction of the aims of the company. One of my greatest strengths I ‘ve acquired during my instruction is good analytical and be aftering accomplishments. This has ever benefited me to put ends and seek to accomplish them. But at the same clip, I ‘m driven by the ideas of success. ABC Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. is a turning company and we are to the full equipped in footings of work force and other resources to carry through the aims of our society.Our group has been systematically traveling towards a high growing public presentation and nurtures a selected squad of professionals motivated by the entire value attack. The squad is wholly trained to get by with the presents tendencies, qualified to utilize all sorts of agencies of modern communications, invariably bettering its capacity for duologue with clients by direct and indirect contacts. We at ABC Buildcon Pvt Ltd. Are committed to advance Real Estate Service taking to with the Satisfaction of our clients. This will be achieved by acceptance of uninterrupted betterment of quality direction system by the squad of dedicated employer working in an environment of squad spirit.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Chess vs Human

It is hard to distinguish between that that is better in chess Human or Artificial Intelligence. Some would say humans because of their critical thinking and throwing computer off guard. And others would say artificial intelligence like Deep Blue because of its capability to calculate upto 4,000,000 chess moves per second as compare to human chess player who could only calculate upto three moves in a second. But in my opinion I think human has the upper hand. Human plays better chess than Artificial Intelligence. We know that presently computers can only use the intelligence that is load in it.It is not capable of thinking anything else as human minds can do so. All the moves that computer make are based on the series of calculations and this all based on the positions of the pieces on the chessboard. A computer chess program like Deep Blue makes its move by using its evaluation function. The evaluation function is an algorithm that measures the chess position. Positions with positiv e values are good for ‘White’ and positions with negative values are good for ‘Black’ (IBM Research – Deep Blue – Overview).Here is where I think that human has the upper hand while playing chess with an artificial intelligence. Human chess players use their skills, judgment and previous experiences to decide about the moves they are going to make next (Connor, 1993). And artificial intelligence moves are based on its algorithms and so a human chess player can disturb its algorithms making an unusual move that artificial intelligence does not recognize. In 1996, Gary Kasparov beat Deep Blue by 4-2 in a â€Å"regulation-style match† held in Philadelphia.Although Gary Kasparov lost the opening game to Deep Blue but he came game back and won the game 2. â€Å"Gary Kasparov won in an interesting ending, though due to programming errors the computer in that game played without any opening database. Two draws followed. Kasparov's second win came in Game 5 after the IBM programmers refused a draw offer even though Deep Blue considered the position roughly equal. In this game, Deep Blue demonstrated its lack of understanding of the danger of a kingside pawn majority.In Game 6, Kasparov totally outplayed Deep Blue by gaining a ecisive space advantage and by avoiding any weaknesses. In this game, Kasparov trapped the computer's rook and bishop, in part because the IBM programmers had never properly adjusted a parameter that signals when bishops are trapped† (Lesson 4: Deep Blue vs. Kasparov). Here a human player skills, experience and critical thinking helped him to win the match against artificial intelligence. Also it also shows that artificial intelligence has flaws in its. And how can it not have flaws. Artificial intelligence is created by us ‘Humans’. And we are not the perfect being on this planet.So how could we create something that is better or at our level in every circumstance of the life? We could not. We tried cloning and we failed in it to. So how could we create an artificial intelligence that is by no means different from us? We are not God, so we could not create anything like what He has created. â€Å"Although Man has done a pretty good job in creating his own complexities here on Earth, they're still nowhere near what Nature has done on her own†(Artificial intelligence vs. Human intelligence). Furthermore, the human brain has the capacity to do anything.Its possibilities are endless, which is why the imagination is so powerful. And computers lack the traits of humans; they are tools for our use and are limited physically. Computer cannot do anything on its own. Series of arguments and methods are inserted in it in order to preform an action. â€Å"But humans have the capacity to store information indefinitely, seeing as how we cannot be rebooted or turned off/on†(Intelligence: Artificial vs. Human). Also â€Å"The human brain is the most complex part of the human body if not the most complex subject known to human kind.Although a computer may work on a complicated series of circuits and processors it is a relatively simple item to understand in comparison to the human brain. So many important functions of the brain is beyond our understanding and has un-quantifiable properties† (Artificial Intelligence). Thus a simple program, which uses artificial intelligence by no means, is capable of beating a complex human brain. Another important point is that Howard’s mentioned is that intelligence suddenly changed in the last 30 years, while several putative causal factors had been present since 1920, such as the fact that chess became a popular sport, many illions played.Also chess participation rate was very high, chess was taught in schools and factories, and was identified early and given special training, sizeable government salaries, and overseas travel. Howard’s reasoning is that if these factors, rather t han rising general intelligence, were the explanation for the decreasing age of younger chess top players after 1970 (Howard 1999). Its would not be reasonable to say that humans minds have no limits to its critical thinking but it has the power to make the correct decision while the artificial intelligence may not be capable of doing that.All the artificial intelligence has is memory and the programs that are in it to perform the action. It cannot think on its own. It works on the algorithms and as soon as it is disturbed, artificial intelligence gets confused and makes the wrong moves. But a human chess player if in the same situation can make the right move that is need using his critical thinking, which is why I think that human play better chess than artificial intelligence.

E BUSINESS APPLICATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

E BUSINESS APPLICATION - Essay Example This section presents a comprehensive analysis of some of the prime tools along with packages available to develop an ecommerce application such as our web based watch store business. Below I will review some of the prime tools we will use for the development of this watch store business: Visual Studio is a broad group of web development tools intended for developing XML Web Services, ASP.NET Web applications, mobile applications and desktop applications. Additionally, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Visual J# and Visual C# every one utilize the similar IDE (integrated development environment) that permits them to allocate tools as well as helps in the formation of solutions pertaining to some sort of mixed-language. As well, these languages influence the tasks of the .NET Framework that offers access to main technologies that make things easier for the development of ASP Web applications, Web Services and XML (Adsule, 2007). Visual Studio offers ASP.NET for web development that is a great technology that is employed to develop dynamic web applications like our web based online watch store, frequently determined through a database. In addition, a lot of established and famous websites are designed through ASP.NET, for instance e-commerce leaders such as Dell. Thus, in case of our web based online watch store website development ASP.NET web services will offer a comprehensive web services model that will help us to produce rapid as well as simply web services (Avery, 2005). Adobe is a well known software for a lot of proposes and areas, however in this section I will try to assess this tool only for the sake of web based system development for the web based online watch store website development. In this scenario Adobe Creative Suite 5 Web Premium software simply helps in developing quality-based websites as well as much better digital practices. In addition, through Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 and also a large number of integrated web development and

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

History - Essay Example The escapes sometimes worked, the revolts were always squashed with the slaves being put to death. Slavery in the Antebellum South fell into different categories, but two major categories. These categories were field hands or house workers. Field hands had to work in the fields from sunup to sundown. If they tried to escape, the slaves were whipped, maimed, or even killed. Field workers could physically break tools or work slow to resist the system. Psychologically field workers could dream of another life, bond with fellow slaves, and have personal dignity that went beyond being a slave. House workers did not have to do the strong manual labor, but were required to work just as hard. Black children would be put in charge of white children. Black mothers would have their babies taken away to nurse white children. The families would have slaves do all the cooking, cleaning, and other household chores. House slaves could be punished with the physical punishments as well. House slaves w ould physically resist by breaking things, spitting in food, and being slow. They could also escape and write passes from the masters to visit or escape. Psychologically they would learn to read, create new traditions, and remain dignified. Life was hard for both types of slaves. Bibliography Berlin, Ira, Marc Favreau, and Steven F. Miller. Eds.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Undecided Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Undecided - Essay Example The speaker in this poem intended to bring out various messages. This poem highlights three main messages; decision-making in life, Isolation in the society and that nature is beautiful and attractive. The speaker in this poem shows that one cannot avoid decision making in life. While he is travelling, he stops between the woods and a frozen lake. The beautiful and alluring woods are the reason he stops, he stares at them for a while before his little horse shakes the bell of its harness to ask for any mistakes. The speaker realizes that he has to make a decision on whether he should remain in the attractive woods or continuing with his journey probably to the village, where he has promises that he needs to fulfill. The speaker has to choose between two worlds. The woods are attractive and seem to offer the speaker perfect quiet and solitude, which he seems to desire. On the other side, there is a different world from the woods, the world with people and societal obligations. Both sides interest the speaker in different ways but he has to decide which side is the best for him. The world with people however seems more important to the speaker since he decides to leave the woods and continue with his journey. In the poem â€Å"stopping by woods on a snowy evening†, the speaker has to choose between his self-desires and society desires. It seems that it is unusual for him to stop for a while and enjoy himself, for instance stopping to admire the beauty of the woods. His duties and responsibilities to the society do not allow some time for him. He however stops for a while to stare at the lovely woods. His little horse shakes the bell of its harness to alert him that it is unusual to stop in the woods. He decides to continue with his journey where he has duties and responsibilities to fulfill for the society. This implies that he

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Case Study for Kemps LLC Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

For Kemps LLC - Case Study Example This discourse ignites a debate on whether to implement the ABC system wholly or to also include the decisions of the managerial body in the implementation. After a thorough analysis they conclude that the ABC system cannot work alone without additional input of the managers. In turn, this demonstrates a deep consideration for automated systems as well as decisions that affect the employee task force and the consumer profitability in the provision of services and products. It is vital for Kemps to note that the ABC system is not fully dependable on its own capabilities, but rather it needs influential decision makers to support its functionality (Colin 244). In addition, Kemp may impose a rule to guide on the areas the ABC system is applicable so as to steer clear of contingencies that lead to aggravated internal disputes. Settling this discord and ensuring the airing of all opinions of the managers ensures a steady customer retaining as well cut down costs. Therefore, the basis of the argument advice is determining the possible threats to the business as well as potential opportunities in the implementation of the ABC system. That is the only surety of success within the

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Eduaction in Texas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Eduaction in Texas - Essay Example In the same year, a new law that permanently set aside two million of the ten million dollars in the five United States’ Indemnity bonds received from the settlement with Texas’ boundary was established. After the America’s civil and reconstruction, Texas introduced a new constitution of 1876 that provided 45 million acres of the public domain towards supporting public schools. Moreover, the law directed that income obtained from the new permanent school funds to be invested in bonds (Kemerer and Walsh 56). This law was rewritten in 1884 whereby it created the state superintendent office and affirmation of the state ad valorem tax. Additionally, in the same year, a law that required funds from permanent schools to be invested to other bonds and county towards increasing the income was enacted. After about 100 years, in the 1983, Texas voted and approved constitution amendment that guaranteed district school bonds by the Permanent School Fund (Preuss 144). The education commissioners later approved this amendment leading to proper issuing of bonds by school districts and the same was guaranteed by the Fund corpus. Currently, the local school districts obtain approximately 765 million dollars as income from the Permanent School Fund. Numerous additional laws in Texas and its related towns have ever guaranteed Texas freedom in the administration and development of its schools and led to independence of school districts. The Texas school systems have been credible since 1885 when its high schools sent selected test papers examination to the University of Texas (Shirley 102). Since then, the Texas schools have been affiliated with Texas University, and graduates from these schools send their graduates to Texas University without admission examinations (Preuss 37). The 1911 rural school law established education

Friday, August 9, 2019

Water Pollution in Orlando Florida Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Water Pollution in Orlando Florida - Coursework Example Orlando has failed to control water pollution to the extent that the federal government had to intervene. Orlando has many water catchment areas but there have been recent concerns over the level of effluents that are finding their way into the lakes and rivers. For instance, Lake Lawne was put on alert after a residential sanitary system blocked leading to sewage overflow that ended up into the lake. Although there were intervention measures, the lake was already polluted. Indeed a lake alert was issued and public warned not to use the water until the issue was resolved. Lake Okeechobee has been in the public limelight for uncontrolled pollution. Effluents from large farms and ranches find its way into the lake thereby causing water pollution. These are just some of the examples. However, the water pollution through improper effluent management seems to be escalating. The primary causes of water pollution stemming from the failure the of effluent management by waste management depar tments and most importantly failure of industries and farming sector to manage their waste. This is a case of lack of human values and environmental ethics. For instance, ranches and dairy firms should observe environmental ethics and take precautionary measures to ensure that their effluents do not end up in the water catchment areas. They should all respect human values and observe environmental ethics even when it means cutting down their profits to do so. This way Orlando will be an environmentally conscious city.

Implementation and Modification IP 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Implementation and Modification IP 4 - Essay Example This report gives an account of the effectiveness of the Medicare program and provides a futuristic approach towards the program and systems of implementing the changes (Moon, 2006). The topic "Strengthening and Improving Medicare" elicited various views from both public and private entities and individuals. The congressional subcommittee of health held a forum for persons of concern to give their witness accounts on the topic. Some of the prime witnesses who stood before the subcommittee include among others, Robert Berenson, the senior consultant officer at Academy Health, Foster, Richard, Buddy Robert, a beneficiary of the Medicare + Choice health plan and Grealy, Mary, the President of Healthcare Leadership Council. All these witnesses gave individual accounts of the success of the current Medicare system and gave recommendations on ways of improving it. According to Berenson, the well-established and effective Medicare program is being replaced by the Medicare + Choice program, which shifts focus from the government provided healthcare to private health insurance. There is no evidence to prove that shifting to such a system will reduce the program’s expenditure or improve on its financial position. The only entities to benefit from the new program will be private health insurance institutions, which will only serve to segment adversely the insurance pool and increase costs of maintaining the traditional program. Through her statement, Grealy, advocates for the introduction of a prescription drug benefit to boost the financial as well as healthcare quality of the Medicare program. According to the Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC), the 50 percent increase from $6,200 to $9,500 in cost of Medicare for one beneficiary by the year 2013 will have no significant improvement in the program’s quality of an outpatient prescription drug coverage is not included in the program. The HLC advocates for the establishment of a Medicare delivery module that incorporates the aspects of competition, flexibility and invests in beneficiaries who have consumer choice power. Through such a measure, Medicare would be able to provide similar benefits to employer-sponsored programs, which offer benefits such as outpatient prescription drugs, the ability to choose a health program that best suits individual needs and reduce out-of-pocket costs and. The Medicare + Choice plan reduces the number of services offered to Medicare beneficiaries because it receives lower payments than the previous fee-for-service Medicare program. Through this, the Medicare + Choice plan has increased beneficiary cost sharing, which squashes the chance of fair competition in healthcare provision (CEC, 2003). Robert Buddy, a beneficiary of the Medicare + Choice health program gave his account of the benefits of the Medicare Program and the Medicare + Choice plan, which he joined after the privatization of the Medicare program. According to Robert, the Medicare program did not offer comprehensive benefits thus had to spend at least $2,000 on a Medicare Supplement policy to gain more healthcare benefits. Emphasis of the Medicare + Choice plan is early detection and treatment, which affords better healthcare to its beneficiaries. Robert recounted the case of his father, who was on the Medicare prog

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Terrorism Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Terrorism Paper - Essay Example This covers the terrorist groups and activities originating from within the European continent, and also the involvement of terrorist organizations and activities from outside Europe. The paper also will also discuss how terrorism operates in both method and rationale, such as going over examples of their various modus operandi and goals. There will also be discussion of the foreign support and involvement of other countries to these groups, whether within or outside Europe, and their alleged agendas or reasons for doing so. At the tail end of this paper, there will be theoretical recommendations or applications in dealing with the issue of terrorism in Europe. As such, possible practical scenarios could be given as examples based from the analysis of the research made for this paper. Insight can also be given as a personal output in reference to the information studied for this research. Before discussing the various terrorist acts in 20th century Europe, it should first be understood what terrorism is and how one is defined as a terrorist. Usually, an individual is considered a terrorist if he or she has political goals or beliefs that are strong motivations to commit acts of violence against their enemies, regardless if done on non-combatants. It can be said then that terrorism is an act of violence made against non-combatants or civilians for the purpose of waging a psychological warfare of fear. This can be in the form of indiscriminate bombings, assassinations, and sabotage in highly populated civilian areas. These actions are done for a politically or culturally motivated goal and made aware through violent and fearful acts. Modern European history has many incidents and episodes of violent terrorist acts. Perhaps one of the most well known would be the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife by a Serbian nationalist radical by the name of Gavrilo Princip. The attack was motivated by an individual

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Contribution of Digital Projections for Approaching Mise En Scene in Contemporary Theatre Performance Essay Example for Free

Contribution of Digital Projections for Approaching Mise En Scene in Contemporary Theatre Performance Essay In this research paper I’m going to describe about theater production technology which it is using digital production and how it is saturate to the mise en scene. Cinematic theater is term of using digital projection in contemporary theatre. That can be briefly described as a fusion of live performance and the magic of the big screen. By utilizing the best dramatic devices that each art form has to covey a story and entertain an audience; the possibilities to create interesting narratives and stage dynamics through the synergy of stage and cinematic design is exciting. Cinematic theatre is a contemporary style of drama that revolves around using pre-edited and live vision sequences to be projected onto screens and surfaces. These sequences are then integrated with the live performance to create dramatic meaning that interacts with the dramatic action on stage. The integrated use of projection during scenes and scene changes allows the stage action to become continuous, therefore creating a suspension of disbelief that engages the audience. In the ever increasing technological environment, more and more information and storytelling is being brought to us through visual images and screens; contemporary audiences are able to read layered visual texts. In developing a creative rationale for the utilization of cinematic sequences in live performance you have to consider various factors; how to use the projected vision without overwhelming the stage performance, creating a theatrical and visual design that enhances the dramatic meaning and the narrative choice between screen and stage action. To guide the creation and production of new work we have developed a description of the elements of cinematic integration for live performance. To accompany the Cinematic Theatre style they have devised a comprehensive creative rationale that we teach to educators and students using the conventions and elements that we utilize to produce visual performance work. Primary Conventions: The basic principle of Cinematic Theatre is to create a continual experience by using visual sequences projected onto screens or surfaces, in conjunction with set design and lives performance to create different dramatic spaces. The cinematic design should be active throughout the performance, to achieve this there are two primary conventions that are used to integrate the stage with the Visual design: Cinematic Backdrop is the live visual environment that works together with live scenes on stage to create a dynamic visual design to enhance the dramatic action. There number of ways to utilize the live backdrop: Cinematic Transitions are the visual sequences between the live stage scenes that allow the performance to continue during scene changes keeping the audience engaged. These transitions work very well with music and the use of popular songs to accompany these cinematic sequences to add meaning and action, especially if the music chosen is representative of the narrative. Visual Conventions: In producing a Cinematic Theatre production there are number visual conventions that can be utilized to create a genuinely integrated performance. Style Elements: When conceptualizing the visual component of a cinematic theatre performance it is important to address the overall style with reference to the script/ narrative/ context. In below describe technologies, which is using for the cinematic theatre. Screens and Surfaces: Traditionally projection has been used on one screen directly behind the stage action, much like a movie screen. With more mobile projectors and screens it is possible to think of new ways to place and project images. A number of screens can be used to create different effects, in What Simon Said? there rear projected screens were used to create the walls of the character’s room as the cinematic background. We envisage being able to create large-scale immersive environments to create distant horizons, urban architecture or multiple images. Stage design allowing the utilization of projected images on surfaces can create a dynamic canvas on which to apply vision. The applications are only limited by your imagination and ability to position the projector. Some examples include: a window space to see outside, a mirror to show symbolic representations of character, floor space to create a pool of water, smoke, curtains etc. Lighting design: It is important when incorporating video into live performance that you consider the effect of lights on the screen surface. One difficulty in setting lights is that they can significantly degrade the brightness and colour of the screen images if there is light either directly hitting or bouncing from the floor onto the screen. One solution is to set the screen up from the floor and placing some blocks/staging in front to block some of the bouncing light. When considering colour gels it is imperative to consider colours used in the screen images and try to match them as well as possible to give a blended effect. Mise-en-scà ¨ne Mise-en-scà ¨ne is a French term and originates in the theater. It means, literally, put in the scene. For film, it has a broader meaning, and refers to almost everything that goes into the composition of the shot, including the composition itself: framing, movement of the camera and characters, lighting, set design and gen earl visual environment, even sound as it helps elaborate the composition. Mise-en-scà ¨ne can be defined as the articulation of cinematic space, and it is precisely space that it is about. Cutting is about time; the shot is about what occurs in a defined area of space, bordered by the frame of the movie screen and determined by what the camera has been made to record. That space, the mise-en-scà ¨ne, can be unique, closed off by the frame, or open, providing the illusion of more space around it. Four aspects of mise-en-scene, which overlap the physical art of the theatre, are setting, costume, lighting and movement of figures. Control of these elements provides the director an opportunity to stage events. Using these elements, the film director stages the event for the camera to provide his audience with vivid, sharp memories. Directors and film scholars alike recognize mise-en-scene as an essential part of the director’s creative art. Conclusion In this research I’m trying to explain ‘contribution of digital projections for approaching mise en scene in contemporary theatre performance.’ In the first part I briefly explain what is ‘Digital projections’, ‘mise en scene’ and ‘contemporary theatre performance’. Mise en scene is French term and it generally use for film appreciation or film criticism. But previously this term use for critic theatre productions. Actual meaning of mise en sence is ‘put in the Frame’. Frame is basically explained in both film and theatre. So I think using term of mise en sence is possible in theatre productions. For creating theatre sets, props and space generally using hard materials. But in this art form those things create by digital projections. This is major development of the contemporary theatre productions. Further more I’m explaining advantages and disadvantages of usage digital projection in this art form. Finally I’m talking about choreographers who use this art form successfully and showing few videos. Basically this is new art form. It is impossible to compare with other theatre performance, which is not using digital projections. Choreographers day by day create new art pieces using projections. So I think this is major occasion of digital media use in society.